Maybe this is the week

My computer is incapable of running the local universe. You need at least a quad core to do it.
So I’m more interested in the weapons/skill update.


That’s part of my point. Why would they go to the trouble of giving you this a month early when they know it just means your complaints about the next update taking forever will come a month earlier?

Right now, if I were on the dev team, the lesson I would be getting from these threads would be this:

  • Avoid posting teasers
  • Avoid doing test releases unless absolutely necessary
  • Only announce things after they are done and ready to ship.

The consequences of early communication are threads like this. It could be mitigated some by more frequent and clear dev communication, but I’m not sure that weekly “We’re still working on this” posts would really help.


Suggesting that posts hoping for updates are scaring the devs into silence just feels like looking for someone to blame. Wish posts just mean that a fandom is still alive and passionate; and I assume that as long as the update hasn’t happened yet, there’s still reason to accept feedback.

It’s a discussion, not a demand. James said the updates come together, so that’s how it is. Doesn’t mean people can’t discuss wanting something different. There’s no serious consequence here other than some folks getting bored and playing something else. I get that people freak out over that sometimes, but it’s kind of a normal thing to do. As far as I can see, the forums have actually been pretty calm about these updates compared to others in the game’s history and compared to plenty of other game forums. I don’t think this discussion will scare the devs away from interacting with users, and I don’t think it’s unhealthy for the game.


Usually big updates drop for the anniversary. So I assume we’re looking at September 2021.

Hope the world still exists by then!


Actually, for me at least a weekly post with an ETA on the next update would help, even if the ETA got pushed back each week.


If this free and open discussion of ideas and complaints bothers you, there is a simple solution. Don’t use the forums.

If I was on the Dev team, I would see this as feedback. Yes, there is positive and negative feedback, but hopefully you take something from that.
I wouldn’t let it affect my intent for the game.


As far as I am concerned, Patch 249 can take 1 year or more because I fear that it will destroy the Boundless MMO part.

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Why does my free and open contribution to the discussion bother you?

I didn’t intend the dev stuff list as the main point of my post, and it looks like it came off as attacking character, and I’m sorry I didn’t communicate it better.

My main point was, why do you want this early when it just means you’re going to be waiting that much longer for the next update you care about?


If that’s all that it meant then we should all just hold off on wanting any updates for like 4 years so they can release hunters, wearables, titans, totems, furniture, etc., etc. all at once :grin:


Haha, sure, I get what you mean.

I think regular, frequent updates are good. I would never argue against that. I think that if we only get 2 updates a year, I think it will feel better if each update has a little something for everyone, and that splitting it up into 3, but 1 you don’t care about, would feel worse.


Wondering if the new weapons update & skill trees (+ Gleambow maybe) could be rolled out independently of the worlds update (which could be rolled out as update 249.5 - or bumped to update 250 since it seems like a really big change for the game).


That would be nice. I think there are many more people waiting on the skill trees & new weapons part of the update than the private world part.


can we work on mods on other people’s private universes if we have perms? i’m bracing for all the possible ways my dream of modding someday could end up let down like it was with ARK (on a 2015 Mac, etc)

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Thats me. I like that they are adding local universes but im sticking with the main mmo servers. Im excited about the extra skill points per page :smiley:


Because that’s the only update I really care about at this point. I want to kill mobs with melee weapons. I want to be able to use a shield to block spitter attacks. I want to put all the skills I want on one page.
I have a small sovereign. I don’t need private universes.


Yeah, this. I mean, I want content as much as the next guy… more maybe, because I’m awesome… but every new update announcement hypes people up for about 30 days or so and then it’s just anger. Every time seems like.
A weekly or monthly announcement about ideas and plans would be cool, but if this game were my baby, I’m not sure I could handle all the flak on the forums so I guess I can’t blame em.
I dunno, this feels like a waste of a post because I forgot my point. It was a really good point though. :onion:


This is pertty tepid in the scale of gripey players out there; gamedevs have to have thicker skin so they aren’t led around by the nose by the loudest players.


I would be happy with a regular influx of small updates (in my thoughts, the imagined updates don’t seam large). How about a few new blocks. Start with Titanium doors. Maybe a new metal texture, grid plate, or polished metal.


I love patten bocks you can twist and flip to hange the multi-block pattern with (that don’t leave danglies like the ncient decoblocks’; the lustrous wood deco blocks remind me a little of Penrose tiles and have a bunch of different patterns they cn be placed to make up… love that about them)

in rl i need something that functions like a misplaced keys-finder that works like a handwashing gentle fabric detergent or even a spray-on so when i toe offf my socks in my sleep I can find them quickly when cold toes wakes me up ;D :