Mega Coil (1 coil that maxes a machine's power) POLL

Coil 100 power > advanced 300 power > heavy coil 900 power > mega coil 2600 power > titan coil 7200 power

Mega and titan coil could require a second source of fuel to run I guess - more like engines

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Iā€™d say destroying a merged mesh would just result in an explosion where all 12 coils get dropped to the ground in stead of just the one you destroyed.


I want that for machines too lol

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Should the explosion destroy everything within like, I donā€™t know, 10x10x10 area? Be pretty funny to see a Mega Coil have that as a downside.


Thatā€™d be even funnier :joy:

The mesh limit alone is reason enough to make 1 mega coil.

Iā€™d actually like something different than a power coil. Iā€™m tried of power coils. Iā€™d like alternative power sources, like solar or a power generation factory that you could sell power to your neighbors

Edit to clarify point; not asking to remove coils, but add additional contentā€¦ never subtract!! Only add!!

I think the coils now are fine. Especially with the ability to repair them all at once with the new update.

I rather have an alternative to spark links! Those eat up a lot of meshes too.

Since the cord take a whole blockā€™s space anyways, why not use a special voxel block instead? We can still chisel it if we want. Yes, I understand that the spark cord looks differently, but with lattice we could get a similar visual anyways. Or just make the spark cord default to soma lattice shape, but let it be a voxel. If possible.