[OUTDATED] MEGA THREAD: Gem Locations (After March 2017 Resource Distribution)

they rip apart the code of the game to find the guts and goodness. like dissection. then they tell us all about it.

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I’m just a web developer, with an unhealthy interest in finding out how things work :wink:

Guilty as charged

Not so much rip apart, I only consume what the devs have graciously exposed, such as recipe information etc. I just convert that into a format that I can use and present on the website (and of course, on the occasional spreadsheet too :stuck_out_tongue: ).


You’re a beautiful person. Thank you for the website and for this chart. <3 :smiley:

Edit: And if you ever needed any extra help adding stuff into the website and fixing recipes and such, hit me up.


could we also have a chart for the minimum type of tools required to mine these?

Each tool will break the tier that it’s on and 2 above except specific situations.

Wood can only mine stone
Stone can mine copper and iron
Copper can mine iron and silver (and medium coal)
Iron can mine silver and gold (and medium coal)
Silver can mine gold and titanium (and hard coal)
Gold can mine titanium and gems (and hard coal)
Titanium can mine gems (and hard coal)
Gem tools can mine everything in the game currently


so @Dzchan94 you stole all our emeralds??? i have only found 3x in a single day!

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Hey @PendragonTheNinja,

Id like to add my own little bit to this thread of yours. I have been referencing it for days wishing the first picture would summarize all the information, So i took some time and made this for the thread.

I hope you like it, In case it gets spread and used else ware I included the thread and credit to you and @Stretchious as well as everyone that helped collectively.

Edit: Mistake with original picture


I like it! I’ll definitely add it to the post. Thank you. :slight_smile:

I appreciate the touch of using the same font. <3

Could I ask one thing of you before I add it to the post? I’m going to sound like a terrible person, but

Courtesy is misspelled, and Boundless at the bottom isn’t capitalized. Would you mind fixing those before I throw it up? :slight_smile:

Consider it done, Matching the font took almost as long as making the whole image.


Oh, I’m sure it did, haha. You did a good job. :slight_smile:

It says courtesy of twice now. XD

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Correct me if I’m wrong but corrupt mountains do not exist in game currently? @PendragonTheNinja @Stretchious

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I don’t believe so? I’m not sure what it’s supposed to mean to be honest, but the data Stretchious pulled from the code suggests that Amethyst will be found in them as well. Unless that changes, the chart should be fine.

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Yeah, that’s cool, but it didn’t prevent me to look for hours for corruption in Munteen :grinning::grinning::grinning: Maybe just add to infographic that it’s not in the game currently?

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Im too tired for this… Fixing it now lmao.

Anything else you want changed while I’m at it?

Edit: Cleaned it up a little, Removed “Corrupt Mountains” and added Version and Date information to right hand lower corner.

Now I think its done Touch Twisted Wood


Looks great :smiley: Thank you!

However… for some reason, I don’t have the option to edit this page anymore. :confused: I’m not sure if past a date you can’t edit a post anymore, but… @james @luke-turbulenz @jesshyland @vdragon I’m blanking on any other devs, (sorry) but is there some way I can continue to edit this post?

flora mountains = just trees and plants on a mountain or am i missing something more specific?

try again now?

Nope. There is no edit option.

Just found Sapphire on Nasharil. I think your chart is wrong because I haven’t seen any ice on Nasharil at all.l. I found them at elevation 119, and the mountain was more tall, narrow, and surrounded on like 3 sides by lava.


There is no ice on nasharil or munteen, still amethyst and sapphire prefer ice biomes, and thats why they are rare.