Meteor on Reserved land

So can Meteors land on reserved land if i’ve plotted far enough down?

Like if I plot a whole region…

Pretty sure they cannot.

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aww I see. I do know we can plot fairly close to them but I was hopeing that reserved land was okay as long the beacon area was far enough away

How about plot the whole region, then unplot near the center and build a meteor stadium that has a diameter of something like 15 unclaimed plots that is certain to draw any meteors in the region to that location. that would be an epic feat.

You could be the first Meteor Wrangler…


I was thinking about it, but what is to stop someone from claiming the middle

I could be wrong, but I think once a meteor is triggered for a region it can land in a different region. I am pretty sure that is how I have gotten 2 meteors at once… trigger one for a region then while chasing it down into another region, triggered another.

I am sure hunters with more exp would know more though.


Prayers, and friendly communication. Maybe some coin if they’re stubborn…

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Two meteors is more likely caused by a 2nd meteor being triggered by the border of a 300x300 block grid. We call these “grid meteors”, where crossing the edge has a chance to spawn one if the visitation and meteor cooldown timing is right and all. The edges of a grid don’t always line up with the edge of a region, ofc

If you use with the “Show Regions” enabled, that’s what the orange and blue grid markings are, btw


the meteorites should not spawn roughly within 4 chunks (64m) of a beaconed plot.