Meteor strikes

Hey guys was wondering how to make a meteor dorment. Does it go dorment over time or will i need to wipe out the waves that come from it before it goes dorment?

if you wipe out the waves it will be complete, and with lots of rewards. a dormant meteorite has landed near a player and they either abandoned it, ran away or didn’t even know it was there and has timed out. it will also have very few rewards, like 3 or 4 shards max and maybe a tech fragment.
I don’t know the exact time for it to become dormant though.
but yeah you’ll just have to wait it out.

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When the meteor lands you’ll hear that constant emitting noise it makes indicating that it is active and will spawn an enemy encounter when approached (it really calls to you doesn’t it?!?). Once that noise stops the meteor has become dormant and can be safely approached. It goes dormant in my experience in less than an hour, but I haven’t timed it.