Mining/Building bug

So I carved a tunnel into a mountain. I built a giant chamber dead center with my beacon. Any time I log out and log back in im warped outside and my tunnel is filled. My home in the center is fine but the tunnel closes up. This forces me to re-dig out my home every time… Is there a fix to this I have already tried placing a door on each side with no success. Side issue I have discovered durring the mining process as well is that a lot of the iron ore i mine doesn’t show in inventory despite saying I looted it. While digging blocks will stutter for a brief second showing things around the box.

It is a feature, it prevent ppl from getting stuck in caves and buildings.
It helps with situations like the following.

I understand that but in the description of the game it says you have the ability to carve a tunnel and charge a toll. My tunnel keeps getting filled in.

Extended your beacon to cover the tunnel with the beacon extender.


All areas to be protected against world regeneration must be completely inside of a beacons protected area. Use a beacon plotting tool to highlight the areas protected by the beacon, and to add “plots” to that beacon. Each plot is 8x8x8 and snaps to a grid based on generation “chunks”.

Edit: note that the “charging a toll” bit is not yet supported in game.

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I understand it’s not in game was merely a point of reference. I’ll check the plotting I thought I already had. do I need to build another beacon if I need more coverage

Nope, you just need to have plots available. Plots are gained by leveling up professions, so you should have a few from mining. The beacon plotter tool is free to craft by hand.

Awesome thanks what are coins for?

Warping and buying items from players.

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