Modular Character Creation

as long as they are not a major factor in winning a combat or in other words if every race attribute is balanced in a way that you can not choose a race and win in combat against every other race.
that doesn’t mean there shouldn’t be combat focused races but the other races should have equally good countermeasures

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the races will mean stuff. some races will be better at building and some at crafting, while others will have better mobility and stuff suited for combat.

I hope they allow us to choose races only, but not a class. I hated classes so much in D&D that I remember making a Bard with an extremely strong sword skill.

they are somewhat against the idea of classes from what i have seen.

So sword-weilding bard can be a thing. Nice.

yes and no. we dont know how they will make skills yet but they will most likely allow you to equip a type of weapon and then only use skills from that weapon type.

i would like if you could mix and match them without bounderies though, like TSW

I can work sword-skill up, and then work music-skill up, but I have to give something up in the process. That’s the way to do it.

not really, more like you can level sword up and have more sword skills.

i liked the TSW because you had 2 weapon types, in that way it could work because you would have both a sword and a lute.

if nothing else they need to allow some kind of hotswap so you can deal with flying enemies and there you could just use a lute as your secondary weapon.

Different means to the same end I suppose.

they’re also against hotbar skills as far as I remember.

I don’t like to sacrifice somehing to progress.

how would you make an rpg without any hotbar skills?

yeah the ‘‘we should all be able to do everything’’ dude.

i still keep my view on crafting!!

but in combat as long as they limit the amount of possible actives you can have equipped at once i am satisfied.

look at monster hunter and you have a great example for a non skillbar rpg.

and yea not being able to always use every weapon/skill is good, just nothing which makes me sacrifice something forever.

for combat, yes and no.

they can do it in 2 ways. 1) do like mortal where you have a set amount of skill points to spend over all skills from crafting to combat, or 2) limit crafting in some way, have extremely high caps on all combat and allow only a few abilties at a time.

the second one. limit crafting with extremly difficult to achieve max level.

If you specialize in, say, axe weilding, you should be limited when you want to learn a new weapon. Not saying you CANT use it, but rather it becomes harder.

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So, I didn’t really think about this until now, and started a thread on it. Wish I would’ve looked around first. I really prefer the idea of building a character rather than customizing off of a static list. To me, this has the most amazing potential. I’ll copy paste my thoughts on how it could work :smile:

Character creation would be an avatar builder, with many options for each part. Instead of picking that you are a bird or dinosaur, you would start with a core and build on it. The focus would be simplicity, but allowing players to get their uniqueness. Each step would offer players “racial” abilities, based on what they choose.

Step 1: Cores
Players would start with choosing a core. There would be small, medium, and large, and each would offer some type of racial bonus. Small could give the ability to fit in tight spots, medium might offer faster movement, and large may give a larger health boost. I think that’s a good start.

Step 2: Body
Here is where players would pick a type of body. Again, to keep it simple we would keep sliders out for sizes and shape. Choices here would vary from a scaly body to feathery. There could be normal skins along with slimy and furry. Each of these types could be colored from a wide variety choices, but the type that is chosen would offer another small racial perk. Feathers could bring slow-fall, while scales could offer a defensive bonus.

Step 3: Head
The head would have a couple of parts to it, but also keep the same theme. Players could choose ears, which would range from pointy cat ears to antlers. Horns and head spikes would come from this area as well. Faces would be a part of the head options, giving players a chance to choose a beak or animal-like muzzle. Scary reptile mouths or even human faces would all be available here. If a player chose gills for their head, they could be offered under-water breathing. More color choices would be given, letting players add that extra flair. (I haven’t mentioned hair because I’m not sure how to fit it in. I suppose after all head options are chosen, hairstyles could be added on.)

Step 4: Limbs
This step is where hands, feet and tails come in. If so desired, the player could pick hooves for feet and large, scary claws for hands, with a fuzzy bunny tail. The idea would be to offer many options that let people make a unique Oortian. As long as the racials for each choice are minor, adding them together as a whole shouldn’t have a huge impact on creation. Large talons could give a crit bonus while webbed feet offer swim speed. A long tail could give an extra bit of speed.

I agree pretty hard with the OP on this one. I don’t mind theme-park MMO’s telling us how to design our character on what fits that race, but this is a sandbox. It’s all about building and playing how you want. In most games, if you want to be an animal-like person, you are limited to cat. Wildstar had the awesome idea of offering different ears so that you could do something slightly different. I think OO can go way passed that, while still keeping it simple.

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Though you have to consider aesthetics as well. oort is a beautiful game, but if the characters look out of place and random that beauty could be affected. Character design is just as important as environment.'s a question.

To my understanding, MMORPGs typically lock in your decisions during the character creation process. Right? After CC is finished, you can change your appearance via equipment, but never your hair, height, gender, race, etc?

Now compare Minecraft, where you can change your skin in any way, at any time, as often as you like. You can be a boy, girl, orc, elf, stormtrooper, Justin Bieber, zombie, pirate, wizard, silly, serious - anything! Your character’s appearance is as much of a sandbox as the voxel world around you.

So how does Oort answer that? What’s the middle ground; the unique position Oort can take?