More profanity filter weirdness

Filter catches the phrase “afk until” as profanity for some reason.

afK UNTil

capital letters :wink:

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wow, I would never have figured that out

a lot of the stuff isnt intentional. But since we can spell things so weird some times. This game censors a lot. Me and a friend sat here trying to beat it. We could only on a few different words lol

Here’s one I can’t figure out:

To All T4, T5 and T6
“T4, T5” got filtered as follows:
To All ***** and T6
Once I removed the comma, the censorship went away.
T4T5 = “tats”?


yea that one is weird.
Maybe can be taken as woman parts. (tried to write it but censored lol)

Saw that happen to a sign that said something like:

Alder T1
Trior T1

The line break didn’t help not censoring it, but it seems like that’s fixed now.

At first I thought “tats” might be hit because it’s short form for “tattoos”, which after all was decided against as the term for body paints for PG reasons. But “tattoos” is not filtered, so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

There have been a few cases where it was hard to explain why the filter kicked in, could it be that it considers bad words in other languages as well? Or it’s much simpler than that and it’s just buggy in some places, maybe it’s also affected by special characters that might be represented differently, similar to how color codes used to affect it despite not being visible characters in the text.

yea the old T1 Trior signs on PS hubs did that.

Are non profane anatomical words censored?

Like if you had the word “breast” in a place name?

was trying out words to see what works some still do :smile:
just when someone popped out a portal hahahah

Looks like another one of those edge cases. Thanks for the report, it’s been added to the database.