Need black stone signs

Anyone have 765 black stone signs for me ? Price can be negotiated :grin:

Without trying to state the absolute obvious, why not make them?

They are very quick and pretty simple to make. Buying the stones which are usually cheap and readily available would make this a very quick job.

Not that I’m trying to do anyone out of a sale either :wink:

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I am doing several projects at a time and did not feel like buying/ gathering all the mats…

So I thought I would ask if anyone had any they would want to part with …

Otherwise this project would be pushed back for when I have more time :grin::wink::blush:

to confirm the regular sign not the sign module right?


Yes, regular signs :grin: @HOST

:+1: ok then, I’m making 1000 of them should be done in 30 (ish) min

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Thanks ! Sure you do not want anything in return ?

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I’m pretty sure :grin: and your welcome

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