Need some help naming my mall on biitula

Hey I have a mall built on biitula. what do you think a good name. its floogle mall right now.

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Hmmm. With nothing more to go on, and a pathological predisposition for puns, I’d suggest “biits and pieces”


Holy Mally



You got a pic of your mall or have you not started building yet

Pun names are the best and mostly used.
To the point I always expect them each time I read a shop/place sign.
I explore towns just to read signs and find some subtle ones.

You want people to not forgot your place.

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Biitulin’ mall?

Plays off of the not so family friendly nickname for Biitula :wink:

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The Buy-Too-Low mall

Shazzam! Mall!! And Food Court!!!

How about Barginula


You could also go for Buytula?


if you built it all out of gleam for the perstiege… I hope you know it is prob going to tank pretty soon.

OdinsRavens no I didnt. it’s just how I color coated it for the sections.

Always loved the name I saw in SWG.

The Chopping Maul

Biitula Have My Money

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Definately not a mall

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Biit Coin Mall

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Thank you all