Need to start new ! Fresh Start!

I think there will be asian servers, but only at 1.0. Maybe we will get african and south american servers too, who knows. But my super @Illuminoorti theory is that Sony dont want an asian server until 1.0, so until the game is available on PS too.

Ok I think i will continue on Vena have a good adventure and make myself to EU (or whatever the planet its called) on my own, It will be long road but will experience the game myself but thanks for all the help guys hope to meet you all ingame, btw anyone encountered any tier 5 wild life??? anyone??

@Kawwak I thought of it too, i was like sony is backing up this game but yet no asian servers hmmm somethings off!!!

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Have you set your Chunk Download Limit correctly?

I definitely have a good ISP, Download speed is 10mb per sec, so what do you suggest me to keep it on?
Currently Chunk Cache is 2gb and download rate is 2mb

Can you be careful differentiating between Mbits per seconds and Mbytes per second.

The details in the post are talk about Mbits.

If in doubt - set it to the minimum (Very Low) and give it try.

It might just be render lag that you are experiencing. Your system trying to render too many things at once and it can’t handle it well enough. Try turning down the draw distance if the chunk download speeds don’t help.

My ISP says 100MBps which is i suppose 10Mbits!!!