New Player Questions

Hello everyone! I’m new to the game (in the sense I haven’t played a lot despite having owned this game when it was Oort Online), and I have some questions.

  1. Do all planets have all resources, or do I need to go to the higher tier planets to get rare resources? If I have to go off planets, where can I find what each planet has for resources?

  2. How far down and up can I go on a planet? I love the idea of a city underground as a giant cavern, but I’d need to know if these is even feasible in the game mechanics.

  3. What do the tech level skills do? Are all items shown in the knowledge menu, or are they revealed based on the tech level you have?

  4. When does the game come back on sale? My girlfriend would like to join me since I’ve started playing after the new universe, but now she can’t buy it.

Thank you all in advance!

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Hi! Welcome back.


  1. You need to go to higher tier planets for rare resources. Home worlds provide coal, tech remnants, small fossil and copper. Rugged worlds give you plenty iron and tech components. It’s where meteorites happen first time as well. Inhospitable worlds can give you silver/gold and hard coal plus large fossil (some of them worlds are “dedicated” as coal worlds or metal worlds). Then you have the elemental worlds with gems and such.

  2. Worlds have 256 blocks of altitude and if you want a lot of vertical space you need to look for high plateaus and mountains to make sure you have 100+ blocks up and down.

  3. Tech crafting cover tools like grapple and chisel if that’s what you are asking. Knowledge is filled up with info as you progress and unlock skills or find certain materials and resources. Machines always show recipes based on crafting skills, so you won’t see what’s ahead without unlocking skills.

  4. Official release is on the 11th of September.

P.S. Use by @Stretchious to learn things ahead.


Higher tier planets have higher tier resources. The forums are one place to ask which has what or simply explore and think of it as a grand adventure. You can discover everything yourself if you really do love exploring. If you aren’t into exploring then ask on the forums or go to sites like (awesome site from @Stretchious ) and if it isn’t already in there somewhere it probably will be soon.

Dig down and find the bottom or go in a cave and keep going down. I still love finding the bottom and seeing what it looks like. I never paid attention to what the elevation is there. I rarely notice what it is and don’t even remember where to look… Maybe the current location tab on the places tab?

Tech levels… Go to and see. is another good site and is very new.

11 September the public launch is. So, sales will start then or shortly before I assume.

Just so I have these correct.

  1. So in order to find iron or ancient tech components, I’d have to leave the home world (Beckon in my case) and search there? I can’t just go to very deep parts of Beckon?

  2. Is there a way to determine what elevation you’re currently at, such as a debug menu or in-game item?

  3. Seems clear enough. Are there must have crafting techs for new players?

Thank you again for the quick response.

  1. Yes, leave when you are ready (some skills to fight, copper tools and weapons).
  2. Yes, there is debug under F1, but it’s easier to go to TAB menu >> Places >> Current Location. Your altitude is shown there.
  3. You can craft quite a lot without skills. But to craft copper/iron tools and weapons you need 1st level in the relevant crafting skills. Go for machine crafting lvl 1 and 2 pretty soon as well. Food lvl 1 is helpful, level 2 maybe a bit later.
    Brews and Forge ingredients crafting skills can wait, as these require time to get to anyway, so don’t waste your skill points there too soon.

There is Iron on the starter worlds, just not in any kind of plenty.
if you press P you’ll go directly to the places tab and it shows your current location on the planet.


Yeah, so little iron that I decided to simplify the answer to “yeah, look for it on higher tier worlds”.
Thanks for providing the “P” shortcut, I keep forgetting them all lol.


sorry, wasnt trying to say you were wrong lol just if they werent ready to leave home, they didnt have to. in the screenshot there is literally only one vein of iron compared to the abundance of fossils, coal, and copper.


not at all, I haven’t taken your answer like that - we are cool; :sunglasses:


So does that mean there are all higher tier resources on starting worlds, just that their abundance is so small that you might as well go to higher tier worlds?

no. you cant find tech components or silver gold etc on starter worlds


No, nothing beyond iron is on home worlds. Silver and higher metals only on higher tier worlds. So even if you get some iron on home worlds, don’t hope for anything better than that.

Same for higher tier coal, tech and fossil.

EDIT: aaaa… you were faster :wink:


I just didnt say as much. The only other note I’d add is that you can always buy the higher tier materials from merchants.

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I have a question:

HOW EXACTLY DO SETTLEMENTS WORK? This game lacks tutorials and explanation so can i get some help from the community <3

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You need to get 10.000 prestige and then your beacon will show additional tab for settlement.
If you are a part of a larger settlement created by other players, it will show even if you are below 10.000 prestige on your beacon - it will also show list of players who contribute towards settlement.

Player with highest prestige towards settlement can change settlement’s name.

There are several levels of settlements, depending on your prestige: outpost, hamlet, village, town, city, great city. The higher the level, the higher footfall (coin appearing in your beacon to collect) from visiting players.

Damage Epic works for weapons only or for tools too?
It increases only slingbow damage or hammer\axe\showel damage also?

Works on tools too.

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thank you for the reply previously I was second (28,882 prestige) place on my planet now my beacon says “This beacon bridges 2 or more settlements and cannot merge.” there is only me and my friend , we each have ONLY ONE beacon placed on planet we wanted to merge into one how is that done.

why is the game trolling my settlement?

How close are your beacons? Are you both considered settlements(ovr 10,000 prestige)? Are there “roads” or “bridges” connecting your beacons. From what i have read in other posts the game(prestige) doesn’t seem to like roads.

yeah, there is a way beacons don’t merge if they are connected with narrow line of plots, like a road; that’s to avoid large settlements taking over some small ones by simply extending a line of plots towards them;

so, make sure to add some more plots and make beacons touch through more than 1 plot