New User Concerns, Under-reported, Under-explained

  1. Atlas Heatmaps = I spent a long time, and so have other newbies, searching for Iron on the starter worlds, and despite an area being “hot” there was never any iron to be found. These heatmaps are likely going to frustrate new users an’ sour the experience for them.

  2. Starter Planet Resources = When warpin to a new world, it would help to have a little icon that displays the common resources there. Going from a Starter Placid Planet to a Hostile Planet, you’d think that there’d be new stuff to find, but it’s the same, an’ you end up searchin’ all over and finding nothin’.

Also, gearing up, spending points in more environmental resistance or blink sec, and landing on a planet that has nothing you need is pretty irritatin’. Too much mystery can be a bad thing.

  1. Environmental Resistance = It would help if I wasn’t insta-killed on a Tier 4 planet within seconds, that’s no fun, and I had no opportunity to learn I needed resistance skills.

  2. Portal Epic = No details on what it does, it’s early enough in the skill tree so I figured’ it’d be useful?

  3. Gear Crafting Epics are unclear, doesn’t indicate they unlock ultimate forms of each weapon/item/tool, etc. Otherwise you’d think 2/2 tools means you’ve seen all the tools the game has to offer.

Suggestion = An icon that details planet info, or a new craftable item that analyzes a planet in space, givin’ you details on it, including dangers. Also indicate how long each level of a resistance skill gives you on the planet, and that maxing out resistance skills won’t make you immune…

Right now there’s a litttttle bit too much mystery, and while gettin’ killed exploring a new planet instantly, or spending all your resources to move somewhere new, can be interesting, it’s not fun when you’re punished with XP loss and possibility of wasted coins.


1 - the cross-hair in game is also your location on the atlas (put it in hand and hold mouse for it to work) so if your crsoo-hair is above the iron (other resource) start digging :slight_smile:

2 - i also agree - there should be some kind of list (maybe next to warp block) this planet contains XX

3 - It should warn you before you warp (i think it tells you the atmosphere as you are opening it) which will tell you what skill you need

4 - Portal skill increases the maximum distance you can open a Hard Portal - the ones whicc use Oort

5 - I agree some skills are still a WIP (infact the etire game is still WIP up to and long after release - patch days etc)

Resistance skills - last a very long time at level 5 (3 hours and my bar showed a minimal movement if any)


just pointed that out in a different topic - in general little tips on what the description of planets mean (rugged, turbulent etc.) and too little clue on what atmosphere might be met there

that results in frustrating death and loss of coins used to warp if you find out you need to pull out to where you came from; and coins seem to flow too slow to support free exploration in search for resources (where trial and error is a common thing)

I would sign in into everything that was said.

Even with reading a lot of stuff about boundless, reading through discord etc, I had quite a lot of troubles. Especially with atlas - heat map is useless for me on starting world. Either there is hell lot of resource - so i don’t need heatmap cause i’m stumbling on it often enough, or resource is so sparse (iron) that heatmap is very little/no help because only iron i saw was in 1-2 blocks groups. Good luck digging to it based on heat map… Practically i would have to mine huge cavers to stumble on it with atlas. No to mention no info about altitude.

Planet resources:
This I knew more or less only thanks to asking/reading discord and no info about how many of each. This will help later when community create wikis, etc. Not all players read them…

Gear crafting epics
Here I kind of agree and disagree. it make sense, yet players may misinterpret it easily. Again wikis with skill lists will help immensely.

Environmental Resistance
Would be great to have in-game information which planet will kill me and what i need not to be killed. I’m yet to find this info, yet I didn’t look very hard. Again community wikis should fix it.

Good question would be how much info should the game provide and how much can be moved to wikis.
Because I’m rather heavy “wiki reader”/“youtube watcher” I don’t care that much, but some players may be turned away.


Exactly. The game encourages exploration, but then punishes you for it, and that’s really a bad experince.


Same here. A lot of the info I had to research or ask on Discord should, IMO, be available as an in-game item or somethin’. People shouldn’t have’to rely on Discord and Wikis, just make a Planetary Analyzer item as part of the starter tutorial, aim at planet, and learn some basic info, and write in some details on the Atlas so people don’t see T1/2 worlds lit up and assume “Oh Wow so much Iron where is it?!”

That’s the biggest issue to me. People going from T1 to T2 and expecting to find Iron but not seeing any.

That’s the biggest issue to me. People going from T1 to T2 and expecting to find Iron but not seeing any.

Actually I did too. Only after I didn’t find practically any i’ve figured it out in game (with failed moving to inhospitable planet first :frowning: - 3k gold coins wasted). After that blunder and two trips for iron/alloys right now it looks like I’m able to follow up nicely.

I did the exact same thing, except I went from T3 to T4, onto a planet that didn’t have ancient tech or diamonds… sigh.

My new user experience was:

Land on cool purple mushroom planet. Instantly die within 20 seconds taking 300dmg a tick.

Proceed to realize I wasted all my coin to get there because environmental protection won’t make me immune for a long-term stay (game doesn’t ever explain this), so even with refunds and points now in protection I’m feelin’ bad, plus the XP loss…

Proceed to spend 4 hours searchin’, get frustrated, look online, oh, Beseveria has no ancient tech or diamonds… great…

I think it was always the intention that where and how to find certain resources would never be made explicitly clear in game. This adds value to the knowledge of where to find them for those who have found them, and encourages players to move around as resources are not spread uniformly.

It’s worth pointing out that the atlas heat map is a 2D image, whilst the world has a variety of altitudes to try. If you can’t find what you’re looking for in a bright area, maybe you are too high/low.

This was so weird to me. I started on a t1, skilled my blink distance and warped to a t3. I heard there were Ancient Tech Components and more iron. I found just a little bit more iron deep down and no Ancient Tech Components. The stuff I found was just slighty better then on the t1 planet, although I skipped t2 entirely. Searched about 2 hours, was expecting more.

EDIT: I like that the game is a bit unclear and hard in that aspect, but getting a bit more information ingame would be great.

as a further suggestiobn about the worlds info

It is not showing the atmosphere of Inhosptibile so i think once you go there it should tell you the atmosphere rather than having to switch skills and gamble

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I agree with a fair amount of stuff.

Additionally I’;d love the skill tooltips to be helpful. Like saying what they enable you to learn. I had to learn/unlearn a couple of points to work out which skill allowed more chisel types.
Minor annoyance at best, but annoyance still.

Knowing what’s on planets would be nice. Nothing worse than going to a next planet ‘up’ the chain…which btw is kinda guess work anyways…only to find after an hour of mining that perhaps it’s the next one you needed.