Okay let’s clear this up

What does the location in our profiles actually mean does it mean in game or irl

look at mine and youll see

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Yes but it would be great if the @devs cleared this up

I recommend only putting your in game location. Especially if you’re younger. If you really want to, you could just list which public servers you play on most; USE, USW, EU, AUS


Meh I would at most put in my state

Your usual server should give people all the info that your state would give them : ) timezone, mainly. It’s a great community here but always be as careful as you can on the internet, especially when they’re really nice… if you don’t mind me giving some advice.


Obs I mean I may be trusting my age is the most sensitive thing I might give out but that’s pretty much it I even use a fake email here that won’t do anyone any good

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I just said Trior and CST… all the info needed


On any mmo game you should never list anything as sensitive that could come really close to where you live at. The most information that you would ever want to give is like a region for the country. Especially if you aren’t an adult. Communities on games are fun but you never know who someone may be


“Earth” hmm ■■■■, not vague enough!

All joking aside though,

This is 100% true; You never know who’s got bad intentions. I’m personally just lucky that I didn’t get into trouble, because I started Diablo 2 when I was 8.
Though my saving grace may have been that I’m not a native speaker, so there’s that too. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

But all prodding and joking aside, I agree that region and/or main planet is more than plenty. I just have “Denmark” in mine because I’m a butt. :denmark:

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I suggest to keep it game related like it is said before. If you check my profile most you will figure out is my build and its location.
How to get there.
My character names.
That i am Dutch.
Read, speak and write English (debatable :wink:)
Read and speak German (speak with some practice how ever i can get away with speaking in my dialect at some locations).

Maybe some other stuff but not likely as I usually stay game related.


I think you write English really well. I had no idea it wasn’t your first language, lol


Thx not always the case tough :wink:.


Yeah, I’ve seen native speakers with much worse spelling and such. Believe me, there’s some quite…let’s just call it “Typestricken”, people. :thinking:
That isn’t to mock dyslexic people (etc), because they naturally have a very good excuse for it.


Hahaha :wink: you know what the sad part is i make so much spelling mistakes in my own language.


Oh same. I often mix up Danish and English words. :joy:

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