Okay need help from builders I'm stumped

Got it to work before but some reason I forgot

How do u get liquid to stay in the lines

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doesnt this look like the liquid is placed 1 block behind the open lines and it then flows into the lines


It is 10 characters

got it


You could place glass blocks down the middle of each fall where the liquid is supposed to go, and it will stay in them.

Perhaps if you just place them at the top it’ll not splay out afterwards.

Ooh, that’s it. The block before it tumbles out, or the top block on each waterfall, must be solid, then it won’t spread.

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One block back as i see it on the left.

:blue_square: source
:green_square: flow (down) —top view—

And probably made sure the back of the block’s is half slapped (this case the middle as it lock like a 3 block wide wall).

Srr for the late reply.

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This post gave me some ideas! Thanks for posting!!