? on Objective "Building a Beacon on a New World"

Hi, I am trying to get this objective done. I started on Berlyn and have visited new worlds thru portals. I also went to Therka and placed 2 beacons there and fueled them and it still did not give me the completion on the objective so not sure how to complete this. Thanks in advance for any insight anyone can provide on this.

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Doesn’t the objective include having to warp to the beacon?

If not then I am unclear on how to complete it.

The requirement state =
Travel to a new world and place a Beacon.
Add Fuel to activate the Beacon.

It says nothing about warping in the general description for the requirements. But maybe that is what I have to do is make a warp crystal and do it that way. Also says it has to be a New world, so I don’t know. I thought this would have been easy to complete, I guess not.

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I have no idea then… It worked on my other character by travelling from Therka to Munteen and fueling a beacon after placing it.

(The teleportation to a beacon is another objective, I got confused).

In my personal opinion, this objective should be worded better to cause less confusion on how to complete it.

Yeah I agree. I will try to warp to a new planet so I have to make a list worlds I have already been to and try to find a way to warp to new planet. This should prove to be very interesting. I will report to see how this goes. I may help someone else in the future.

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How much fuel have you added? Also try to up the prestige a bit, add few crafted blocks like stones or timber, natural blocks don’t add prestige.

Well I have 3k prestige on my place in Therka and I have 8weeks worth of fuel left at that beacon also. I would think that if the objective needed me to have a certain amount of prestige or fuel it should say so but who knows. I am a newbie so I cant really craft too much at this stage.

Any ideas on what items to place for prestige because I really don’t know.

I think it is linked to having to mark a spot on a planet and travel through your own personal portal (the black blocks) and not use the hub portals.

At least when I did it recently that is how I accomplished it… maybe try that? Or did you?

No, I am trying that out now to see if that is the trick will let you know.

Yeah, true, I’m just trying to look from all the angles :smiley:
I got that completed with just fueling beacon on another planet. There might be an issue that both are home planets. Try to set beacon on Elopor. IIRC that objective finished for me only on non-home planets. (really digging through my memories so might not be acurate :brain: )

edit: btw, you can see here what are home planets etc

I just wish they were more specific. I have never did the warp thing exept for at the beginning of the game when I started. So in order to do my own travel to another planet do I have to stand on one of the starter planets and look at it from my planet to set up the warp or is there a way to do it from the santum. Also I have already went to the other planet from my starter planet thru a portal set up on the world so I wonder if I need to find a brand new planet.

Lord this is giving me a headache because I don’t have 500 coins to waste doing this multiple times to get this done. ;’(

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There are times that quests are bugged so it might be that.

You need to do it from your planet and not sanctum. Make black blocks and travel through them as well.

You can do it to a new spot on a planet even if you set up something. I’ve also removed my setups and recreated and had things complete again.

Check your objectives and see which ones you are tracking and what you have. Sometimes I had ones that I didn’t even know about.

If it isn’t still working then I would stop and do other quests. You can come back to ones since they don’t exactly seem to be a straight progression. That way you can make back some cash. You can also go farm some and sell some things to people that need them at shops. There are plenty of request baskets on at New Berlyn City and other places that you can make cash from.

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Yeah I have exhausted all the objectives I can feasibly do. I need to go earn some skill points in order to open up some other things. Which will take a while but I am trucking along. I like doing the objectives so it is kind of a bummer that I am stuck now and cant really complete any of them easily. I guess this is where the grind sets in lol.
Thanks for all your help. I am going to try the warp beacon to my other planet from Berlyn and if that does not work I am just going to give it another shot from another started planet and then go to new world I have not been to and see what happens.
Wont let this get me down, I know this game is still in early access and the devs are working hard on it so it will be buggy.

Objectives are introduced not so long ago, so descriptions etc are still tweaked based on players feedback.

Just so you know you don’t have to do all those objectives, they are meant as tutorials, to teach you about game mechanics. They do offer coins and xp, but still choose the ones that you really want to do (I’m not saying you don’t want to do this one). Also, when you go to feats, there are a lot of small goals to accomplish, you can track them by right clicking on them.
So, objectives tab → tutorials, feats tab → stats and awards for reaching certain goals, daily/weekly objectives → these are actual quests.

Ok question on the warp mechanic. I went to my starter planed and I added the warp crystal to my totem and I built a portal with the 6 blocks. I did the totem thingy to the planed in the sky which is Elopar and when I went to interact with the portal I built it said I cant open the warp there. It says it is “awaiting world data”

Did I do something wrong or do I just need to be patient and wait for this. Or should I just give this up, maybe it is a glitch. I always just use portals made by others to warp around never did this in this fashion so I have not clue.

It happens to me with a simple “warp” yesterday. I tried it later and it worked perfectly so I guess you need to be patient :confused:

ok scratch my last post when I went back it worked. So I went to my home world (Berlyn) , use the warp totem thingy to set up the warp to the planet I can see in the sky (Elopar) then I build the portal and then warp to the planet (Elopar) then placed a becon and fueled it and it worked. Whew got it done? Thanks for all your help.


Glad you got it solved!

I don’t often tag the devs, but I’m going to tag @olliepurkiss and @luke-turbulenz just so they are definitely aware of this thread and that the wording on this objective can be a bit misleading.

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Thanks Stretchious, we spotted this and we’ve updated the text to say build a Beacon on an untouched or developed world.

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Yeah, while you’re in there, mention that you can’t do it by using pre-made portals in any of the hubs. It’s not at all clear that one has to use warp crystals to do this, rather than just visiting Cook’s Corner in Pixelgate or some other handy (and might I say, overbuilt :smile: ?) area on the planet.

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