One "Full Cleanse" Per Character

I don’t know if THIS specifically has been talked about before, but I think it would be incredibly helpful if each character came with a single-use full cleanse that can only be used after hitting level 50.

Somebody playing through the game for the first time might put points in things that don’t work with each other because they have less knowledge of the game, and end up with a more balanced character when they might want a specialized character. (Miner vs. Hunter) I believe it is much more beneficial to choose a specialized over a balanced character. Choose a character to be a Miner, and then maybe make another character to be a Hunter. The full-cleanse would be a wonderful reward for hitting 50 to use your acquired knowledge of the game to choose exactly how you want your build to be.

Personally, I have multiple skills that I would roll back given the chance.



This has been discussed before, please see:

And the last feedback from DEVS was:


Also, there is a reskill coming in a few updates as some stuff is changing I believe


If this is the case, I am quite happy to hear that.

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