Oort Online Race Suggestions

With racial abilities they might have all the same abilities but they are accessible at different points of levelling etc.
Also Avians could glide, Felines can jump high, Canines could run fast, Aquarians could swim fast or breathe underwater etc. If all races have a movement ability it would be cool.

Would also love an assassin wolf (maybe an eagle) that could run really fast and was sneaky.

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That’s what I’ve been thinking about too. Also a clear system (like 1 passive and 1 active ability per race) could prove useful. For example, Avians could have an active gliding ability (start gliding by pressing spacebar while falling), and a passive nightvision in case you’re playing as an owl-like character.

Eagles and wolves are not really the most sneaky types, feline races might be better suited for an archetype like this.

I know but for me I’d prefer being a wolf or eagle compared to a cat except I do like Lynxs (or is it Lynxes), plus both an eagle and wolf are fast.

Yeah, they’re fast for sure, but neither of them prefers the hunting pattern you describe. Eagles and other birds of prey soar high in the sky, out in the open, and dive after their prey once it’s spotted. Wolves do not stalk their prey alone too, instead their pack slowly surrounds the prey and leaves it without any energy or escape route.

True to both but with the eagle it is so high in the sky that its prey doesn’t see it until its too late, exactly like what I would like and even better with a pack of assassin wolves :D. Also with wolves they can be sneaky when they need to be like when getting chased by a bigger predator or stronger wolves etc. but I know what you’re saying.

I thought my family were the only people in the world to ever see that movie.


@ben @james can you guys give us any information on how you are going about characters?

Modular characters or racial characters?

I asked not long ago if they would release anything and got a no. It’s a waiting game, sadly.

Ah, fair enough.

It’s driving me nuts, this wait! Honestly, this game is my big hope. If this doesn’t work, I’m out of MMO’s fo life D:

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Owl bears sorta already exist with the Moonkins from WoW! XD

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hmm, don’ those have horny stuff like a deer? … No thx ^^ … I want walking Owlbears like D&D have :wink:


Oh my gosh, please be careful what/how you say things…


True, but we have the overall descriptive skin of an owl bear ,;3

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Hehehe, but WoW had stolen the idea from d&d (like many more ideas and concepts :wink: )


I like to think the Ancient Oort are their divines.

I like the idea of Hybrid animals. Maybe you could pick two different primary animals receiving both of their racial bonuses, and then the base would come from there.

Lizard + Bird = Feathered reptile base

Something like that.

I hope there are going to be humanoids, If there were than the above idea would come out much better as animal human hybrids.


Lobster or crab


This reminds me of the aliens from District 9 haha


Is that pic made by Brom? I love his works (especially for dark sun) and he also had some insectoid pics :wink:

Also gives me the song of the Crab People of Southpark into my ears… “Crab people, crab people, smell like cr#¥ - talk like people, crab people…” :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: