Paying homage to many players' roots in SkySaga with a community building project - The City of New Light!

Hey everybody!

I’d like to try to design a vast city inspired by SkySaga: Infinite Isles’s “City of First Light” in Boundless, and for such a big project, there’s only one way to do it - We need to get a community of builders together.

I’m unsure of how many past players we have here now, but whether you were a tester for that game or not, I could use your help in getting this project started, because I certainly don’t have the resources to get it done myself. Such an ambitious project can only be completed by a collective effort, should we wish to make an impact.

My initial design plan is to design it as it was observable in Alpha V10, but with a Boundless twist to it. Maybe we as the players could design our own forms of the explorers/settlers/gladiators factions, no? Since this idea is kind of wobbly at the moment, not much to back it and not much direction on where to exactly go nor how to do this, I think we should start off with posting any insight or ideas in the replies below, so we can try to find out all of the information we need to get this rolling.

The key questions to answer:

  • Where are we making this?
    • How can we avoid lengthy transit for those who want to work on it? (Best place that’s generally easy for everyone to access)
  • How do we handle the plot size?
  • How do we share the plot?

Feel free to discuss related topics for design and such if you want to. It’d be awesome to see this get moving.

It’s 6:00 AM locally at the time I posted this and I stayed up all night. I won’t be here for about 12 hours after this post.


Man do i miss that game!! Can’t spare the plots but more than happy to help!

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Oh, that dream…

But a very bad situation that I did not keep any image records of “The City Of Last Light”
Maybe those videos on YouTube can help we retrieve something

The normal size of skysaga building space is 192X128X192
This means we need to find a large enough plain or big lake with no mountain near by to start construction, and is a planet(T1/T2) with blue sky

But it’s a bit too early to start implementing it- Because of there are no rich decorations in Boundless like SkySaga currently.

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As the name suggests it makes sense to build high up in the air, but that’s one thing i loved about that game, the decorations, made building really fun!

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Look, what I found?

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