Perfumes (lower threat level for a specific mob)

Using a mix of essences or essential oils (from a glass bottle) a unique mob drop (glands probably), the items are mixed together for a perfume that makes an player smell like the particular creature resulting in them either not seeing them (for mobs they haven’t attacked) or lower the threat level of an engaged mob (used for like hunts)

Made with petals + mob gland + maybe some orbs

  • New craftable item from glass: “Glass Bottles”.
  • Essence or essential oil could be stored in it


  • Petals in the extractor or maybe a new machine a “distiller”
    ** Makes “essence” or “essential oil?”
  • Use mixer to mix all the materials

You may be wondering how I came up with this idea or maybe you’ve also traveled for any distance on a planet and have been annoyed like me :slight_smile:

Great for gatherers, btw.


Tallow actually makes a lot of sense.

  • Maybe petal extract (essential oil) + tallow + mob gland + glass bottles + mixer = Makes like “Eau d’Cuttletrunk”
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This is sorta already in place with the innocuous brews, although they never made it to the live version…
The recipes are on @Stretchious’ site though:

However this is a blanket brew for all creatures, so I guess maybe this could be something cheaper?

I was not aware of these until just now. #feelsdumb

Well, they aren’t in the live version, so I cant blame you! Afaik they were in testing when brews were announced, but never made the cut :roll_eyes: idk whether that’s them gone for good lol

Maybe that is the reason i cant brew them…

I make them they are great and with skills its like being a ghost

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Huh… I didn’t think they were in… Fair enough :joy: