Photoshop contest: Skill Page Designs

This game is awesome, but the skill page is very confusing. I get a lot of questions from new players about the skill tree. And I myself have made mistakes.

So, a contest!

Use your photoshop skills to design a less confusing layout for the skill page. Personally if I were to make one I might try stealing borderlands’ or PoE’s design and showing 3-4 separate “trees” from left to right. Maybe mining and gathering; exploring/movement; combat and crafting. And if each has its own color, you could put colored dots below the attributes to show what tree each affects.

Feel free to make your own design though!

Prize pool will depend on how many entries there are. I’m thinking 250k first place, 150k second, 100k third tentatively, if we get, say, at least 6 entries.

No offense to @minyi and whoever else made the original. It was less confusing a year ago :blush: and I am glad there are new skills.

By participating you agree that wonderstruck may use your layout and ideas (intellectual property) for free if they want to. Posting any of your original artwork on this thread constitutes agreement to these terms.