⚡:Pixelgate City

Thank you sir. I appreciate the response.

I finally found you guys. I am apparently directionally challenged in this game. Anywho, I setup a base a bit outside the city in one of the sand hills. Thinking of making a skull face out of the mountain top like out of one of those pirate movies. Gotta get some resources sorted out first since my inventory is full from my trek all over the freakin place ;p I’ll let y’all know once I get some stuff ready to put into a shop or come up with a design I’d like to put into the city. Thanks for the response earlier, again.


Finally more or less finished the first floor of my build in town, however I’m trying to utilize low outside lighting in conjunction with Vulpto materials and Sapphire torches to make the inside look rather unique, and unfortunately the road-light positioned right in front of my door kind of jinxes it. Is there any possibility of getting it moved off to the side like I see with some of the other buildings?


I’ll get right to it :slight_smile:

Which one do you prefer?


Preferably the first, and thanks, this is much appreciated :D.

Edit: I suppose I should fill in the back parts of the plot with glass too, now that I think about it.

So it’s come time for this, finally finished my garden.

On other news, I won’t be working on more road construction or other builds.
Working on Pixel Gate has been fun, but I find more joy on my newest project, Elop Portas, where I will be building a water park.

I had my fair share of trouble for having rules on Pixel Gate, and some people didn’t like having rules, so just as I’m leaving, I wanted to say to whoever wanting to join Pixel Gate, I’m leaving it open to whoever wants to join, just like how Therka Market is open to anybody, style or building.

Pixel Gate can only go better or worse, hope it gets better.

I’m still gonna be around to power portals and help anybody that requests it, but my priority right now is on Elopor.

If you’re willing to follow the old rules, I guess you can contact @Karokendo.

But as for me, it’s time I moved on.


Starting today. I’m not running Pixel Gate Portals any longer.

It’s a tough job to keep up with, and I think most people have figured out @Jeffrotheswell planetary station by now.

I appreciate the community help to keep it running for so long, specially @SilberB and @Cookviper and many others.

From now on, I’ll be helping Jeff with his portal line as always, and will like for people to do the same.

Portals will be running from one more week since today.


Totally understand. :+1:


Is shard cost the reason behind it?
@Jeffrotheswell This is for you too:
You could share cost per week to mantain all portals and some players, like me, could compromise shards to power it weekly.

weekly we use like 2500 shards


Ok… That’s a LOT.
I don’t even know how you guys keept all this long.

I get almost just enough donations to keep my line open with about an hour of hunting per week.
Surprisingly the coal cost is what kills me. That’s why shard donations are so nice :wink:


Definitely need to reduce the cost of maintaining portals :shard:


Yeah, coal is more of a pain. I actually find hunting for oort stones relaxing


Well…as I was so patiently helped to understand…large portal networks are meant to be supported by a community, NOT a single person. Although it can be done, it really should be supported by those who use it.


That’s why getting the help from the community (donations) is greatly appreciated. And the reason why portal lines like PG’s and Jeff’s have kept running to this point.


I was spliting donations between Jeff’s and PG.
So all to Jeff’s now?
Oort Temple will feel so empty :confused:


Yes, all to Jeff


with footfall coming in from beacons you at least get a lot of money from all the people using them portals; I know it won’t create spark but at least gives an additional option of buying coal/shards/stones whatever will be most efficient choice to support donation side of the entire enterprise


you know, i’ve went to the Munteen VII to earn some exp and after two hours of hunting i got around 150 rough Oort stone. Don’t know if this is lot for you, Portals keepers, but for me it is. :scream:

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