Players claiming hundreds (or more) of plots to block access to Diamonds

It’s interesting that some people feel like renting a planet that has rare resources and limiting access to that planet is pay to win but buying plots to encase an area that spawns a resource like diamonds is not.


rented planets, would not be cross-playable.

They would be treated as a private server.

By cross playable do you mean between pc and ps4?

That’s fine. I’m willing to spend a few hundred a month to run multiple rental servers but evidently that’s on a back-burner that isn’t ever directly talked about even though it was supposedly supposed to be part of the games release.Until then though I won’t be spending any money on it. It’s a good game for it’s price and theyve made a good cash shop because you really don’t need to spend anything to do anything.

Acting like guys who buy cubits for plots are the only ‘shareholders’ is a bit short sighted though, given what the game was promised to have at 1.0.

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I mean, anything on that planet stays on that planet. It can not leave.

Yea, it really is, isn’t it? Pretty hypocritical for starters and a few other things that I won’t get in to but hopefully we will see a lot of game growth in a lot of sensitive areas, like rental servers, in the next 6 months,

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That is not necessarily true if a planet follows the universe rules then a player can move resources between planets based on what I have read. If you decide to have diamonds on the surface then no, you cannot access the public universe.

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edit. Secrets shhhh

There is a difference between legal and moral. Where this practice is legal, ie within the game rules, morally it’s a d–k move.

And i think it’s entirely justified that people complain about things like this.

Once the devs see that enough people are against this practice, they will hopefully put measures in place to stop it.


I mean literal shareholders. Not players.

Also, adding more planets may help alleviate the issue, as more access would reduce scarcity, this no reason to do this other than convenience. Who knows.

The issue is, this is not something they can stop now. They allowed it, and people have spent money to do such a thing. Any game dev, would be stupid to target their “paying customers” after the fact.

IT wont change, it can’t change now.


And run off your cash spenders? Unlikely. The ones complaining MAY be not spending any money.

Ya, I’ve heard that if you choose to clone a planet (Like Serp) then it will follow the Boundless universe rules, and can be connected to the known Universe. Maybe with the portal behind a locked door… but still connected

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I’ve spent quite a bit of money on Boundless. And I complain constantly about these douchey gem mine plotters.


IF that’s the case, then everyone has the same chance to do it. It is equal trade.

LOL. Fair enough. Hence my “may”.

The developers have ways to increase resources if they feel it is a problem. New planets as has been mentioned. They can also add more gem drops to hunts, change or increase the regions where the resource spawns or decrease the amount needed in recipes to lower demand. It will take time to see if there really is a problem before the do any of this, I would think.


Thread auto locked in 3… 2… 1…

nah, no name calling …yet.

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Lol, I’ve spent money also. I think there is a good mix of MicroTransaction buyers, and those who do not partake here.