Please make it possible to loop (or change the frequency of) in-game music

The music in this game is beautiful, but it plays so infrequently that I’ve actually started listening to the game soundtrack in iTunes while I play.

Would it be possible to add a settings option to loop the music, or to change how often that it plays? :slight_smile:


I imagine some of the music is triggered by what is going on. In the soundtrack files some of the filenames seem to indicate this (danger, discovery, etc), but it’d be nice to have something to slightly increase the frequency of idle music, I agree.

I love the music, it would be nice to be able to control the frequency of plays. I’ve ended up turning the music off and streaming music while I play. Sometimes you do repetitive tasks, and music makes all the difference.

100% agree. There’s way too many long silences. I love the music and just wish it would play more often.