Please remove the Sanctum plinths

I used them once.
Now I have to dodge them every time I log in.


If you are on PC, you can edit the sanctum, and remove the plinths.


Ooh. That’s wonderful. I’ll try that!

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If you have not done a sanctum edit before, you just:

  • Go to Sanctum
  • Press F1 and click on the Sanctum Edit option
  • Then you will be taken to editing.
  • To fly around Press F, to stop flying press it again
  • To “Get Items” go to the F1 menu and use the Get Items option
  • You can also “Save As” for different files this way you don’t overwrite files

Note: If you edit the original file, it may be a good idea to have a copy of the original stored somewhere just in case you would like to start over.

If you need any tips on Sanctum Editing, feel free to ask :slight_smile:

For a blank sanctum: If you PM Dulki/Bot on Discord he can provide you with a blank sanctum file, so you do not have to remove everything yourself.

Reference: Empty Sanctum for Edit


I thought the plinths could not be removed… but unsure. I vaguely remember something about like 3 things that could not be moved or removed.


I actually had to go back to sanctum to see how the where in the way. I’m still kinda confused how they are in the way :sweat_smile:


They are removable now.

I remember at a certain point before that if you placed blocks you could not remove them again, and things were iffy with the plinths, but you can remove everything in the sanctum except for the placeholder chars and the Elder.


Haha, we all path-find differently I guess. Plus, I’m impatient and laggy!

I’m used to it, but I definitely route around them.

Well I only use sanctum when launching the game and when i die(which isn’t very often) so I really never see them. And out of habit I immediately angle enough to walk past them going to the portal when the game starts. I don’t even think about it anymore. Just muscle memory at this point. But I’m sure i have 2k+ hours in the game

see it as a mini game