Please Request Your Testing Sovereign World Here

I would like to request a test private world. My in game name is ShoreThing.

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Harlie on Biitula test planet :slight_smile:


Is this for PC users only?

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would like a Sovereign world for test/video purposes, thanks :hearts:
Account: Jiivita


Any updates on the planets for the second batch of people?

Given they likely enjoyed the weekend, and just got back in to the office today to try and hammer out the issues that have been discovered, we might see a new batch towards the middle/end of the week, depending how easy it is for them to nail things down.

(maybe faster!)



If not too late to the party I would love to be included in this, my username/character name is Phearon.

Many thanks.

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We are still working on some of the issues before we can issue out the next batch.

Will hopefully be able to give you more information tomorrow :blush:


Thanks for the quick response


Hello! Are requests still open? I would love a world as well. My character name is Sarenity if so! Thank you! =)

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I would like an world to test out user name is c12kiko

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@Leahlemoncakes If there is a queue for test planets, I would like to give my spot in line to @Stretchious as he would get more quality testing out of a second fresh planet than I will be able to with my connection issues.


Whilst I appreciate the sentiment, there’s no need to do that - you should get to experience selecting colours for a planet to see how it all works (even if it will be a bit laggy for you).

If they want me to do more testing, they have the option to extend my test world. May also be better to get some fresh eyes on it, as someone else may not do things the same way as I do and will find other issues.


If the next batch will be Wednesday or later I’d like to get one as well.

My account name is FireAngelDth

Can’t remember my character name on my pc tho. But it uses the same account name as my PS4 and I think you said you only needed account name. I hope :crossed_fingers: :sweat_smile:

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There isn’t a queue as such, I just have a list for the next batch so they should be processed together :blush:

This means you don’t have to give up your place but I appreciate you offering :blush:


@Creegle is a person who likes the offer which you have graciously stated above!?


If I am not too late, I would like my name added to the list. Just figured out the whole test server thing. Character there is named Maharani.

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The first batch of Sovereign worlds on Testing have now been terminated.

To recap, when a sovereign world expires it becomes locked. Whilst locked players can remote reclaim beacons to get their stuff back. The original owner can also extend the world, this unlocks the world again. However, if the original owner doesn’t extend the world then it is terminated and this process force reclaims all the beacons.

As we have terminated all the worlds then your beacons should have automatically been reclaimed and should be available to recover. Please check and confirm this.

With the exception of “Hockra” owned by @anon26883492. This world failed to terminate and is still locked. We need to investigate why this world failed to terminate next week.


What is the timeframe between locking and termination? How long does a player have to decide if they want to extend or not?

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