Please uncensor “t1/t2”

Yes I’m aware it could be leet speak for boobs

But it’s kind of important in game for signs and chat

Same for goo kernel.

Not urgent but at some point


I was trying to figure out what you meant and read it as teatoooz


Nailed it haha

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boobs, realy… i asked myself all the time why is it censored…

ehm… boobs dont look like t1\t2… lol

Also bawls. It’s absurd you can’t say that in a game with gleam bawls in it


The filter is removing special characters. Does it even filter 8008?

I believe it does
80085 too

And yet, despite many attempts to draw attention to the silliness and things you can say

Turdburgler and many many more even ruder things still remain. Maybe posting this will get it fixed…

Censorship in…

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Is turdburglar a particularly rude thing to say? Lol gosh feel like I’m in middle school again. Its not technically a curse so I think if someone said that to me in game I’d lol and move on.

I found out yesterday that BS isn’t sensored either. Makes 0 sense

That was one that was “safeish” to use. There are many more, although the meaning of said phrase is used to insult or label certain sexualities in the UK.

Edit : I suppose there are limits to what can be censored but its currently over zealous in a lot of places but seriously lacking in others. Some of the stuff you can say would certainly be on the radar of a person/company in the UK

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You can say various things about how people like to guzzle um… stuff.

indeed. Or licking.

:face_with_hand_over_mouth: oh I’m sorry I didn’t know. I grew up in the US. Its a silly thing kids said here irrespective of anyones identity. Though I suppose it could be used that way. (I’m also a certain sexuality so no offense intended)

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Turf burgler is a gay thing? I just thought it was a lame insult haha


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This is discharged waste matter. Now we have to describe things to avoid being filtered

This is the kind of sentense I might say in game :joy:


Sure is lol. Even made it to urban dictionary, the legitimiser of all things.