Pls close & delete thx

it should mean that we have do to some things different than we do it at time…
non erotic context :slight_smile:
i have no idea how it works too…thats why i called it test run…
before i waste a lot of time, i want to take a look about the feedback, how many people are interested, and how many people are coming to that event…
my intension is to get some screens from the hunt loot, that some1 else (whos fit in exel) can make some stats…
but that needs alot of time, a lot of people, a lot of pics, a lot of work…
im absolute no in exel user… here i could use some help.

pls feel free to start the same event in different time zones…

planed is for the future a spot where peoples can buy all the stuff, directly after hunt, open 4 everyone, not just guild intern, with location tokens at the start point…

planed is too to explain the people how a roll game works… i miss the heal to the tanks… tanks are the importantly persons (wildstocks)
everyone runs away, i stay still n kill 4 from 5 but the last one kills me cause everyone run away and i get zero support… they have to heal the aggro tank, not to run away…

this is the importanst reason for a trial with some rules and infos…

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silent hunter green marked

planet galan

needed bow amathyst n emerald

no need to waste 5 points 4 aggro skill…

ive got some aggro loot sticks 4 veterans n some normal loot sticks 4 new player that dont know about loot sticks

im so excited… does it ends in a 5 char crew, or maybe a server crashtest 2020…

we will see…

eeeehmmm… lol

forgotten… meetpoint…

on dzassak

called omega

reachable via:

ps hub dzassak
ultima hub dzassak
rtg hub dzassak
tnt mega hub

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That was a.nice Trip Last evening
Hope WE ll do IT again :grin::grin::grin::grin:


yep this evening… but lets talk not here, meet you guys later in da partyyy <3

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Closed as per OPs request