Screenhots of players showing the features of the farming update on the live servers start on the 16th (Tuesday):
You can see a screenshot of moebius with a waterblock in his hand standing on Niia Zed Ka posted on the 16th.
Also, comments on the testing topic stop on the 15th:
The official release notes were late.
I mean you are not wrong with releases on Thursdays, there were still 3 releases on Thursdays. One of them was the beacon reclaim and compactness update, which is not a small feature. It just wasn’t the farming update.
“Close” is so ambiguous still. Please just give us a date. I have guild mates loosing interest in the guild sovereign and saying they are going to start building again elsewhere. if that happens I wont be getting one just for myself.
The release notes for that one were very late - farming was actually released 24th June 2019 (Monday). Easiest way to check release dates is from the game itself…
That is just the date when the news was added to the game during testing.
For farming, testing started on 13th June and release was on the 16th of July.
The ingame dates are even more off then the release note dates.
I also thought the update that brought the spark item was a Friday cause i could have sworn they got on the weekend to patch the mint price. But maybe that one was a Thursday