Post your public Gleam spheres here!

You know which biome that is? We’ve all been picking gleamballs when there’s actually a couple better biomes for gleam farming. Idk if anyone remembers bright sepia (i think) and azure spawns. There was like 5 people mining one spawn at a time lol

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Was actually going to bump my Biome thread for this, just about to post it, but it might be better here… I think I did figure out how I got this result. :slight_smile:

It definitely seems some of the biomes merge in on each other - when I had to pick a lv 8 biome I was worried about getting something that would mess up the terrain so figured this was safe - pretty sure it merged in on the gleam sphere biome there. Actually haven’t explored the whole planet still so not sure if it happened anywhere else.



I’m going through the exo threads and yea that looks right. Gorilla posted this screenshot. That mountain of gleam was glorious :sob:


Nice! :heart_eyes: Almost tempted to try another T6 toxic since the trench biome messed up my first. If I do, I’m going to do gleam lake + sky pattern again for sure to test it. I might wait a bit though, see if I’m ok with the mining on my 1st and might not if that’s the case… but if someone else didn’t mind when they did their next curious to see for sure if it happens like that again.


I guess cold tan gleam hasn’t arrived yet?

Warm Viridian (87)

World Name: Hithaeglir


  • TNT Gleam Farm Hub (sign reads Crisp Teal / Warm Viridian)
  • TNT Sovereign Wall (via Arda portal)
  • TNT Shedu Tier
  • PS Shedu Tier

World Post:


Ok, this is going to be functional, not pretty…

Stale Red - err, mutated sphere portal now open on Houchus I… go through Paka’s Sapphire Mine portal at TNT, into the portal hub right there, to the Stellamaris II Gleam Farm. :slight_smile:

Plenty of regular gleam spheres to farm on this world, but this one is kind of neat… a layer spread out over foliage, then a hybrid sphere. The sphere does have a hollow shaft in the center, but I found that helped me get my bearings a bit really. And I’m right now adding a path right up to the side of the sphere, with another going to the layer on the foliage. Watch your step on the foliage, a few holes there! Can always mine some emerald here while you’re at it!

Edit, oh, I’ll stick a plinth with tokens to a few other spots on the planet in a bit.


Light mustard, not lock in yet
Do not know if it is new.
Was looking to get some hot sepia for my base…


Is there a shadow red gleam ball spot yet?


Here you go.


Shadow Cerulean Gleam Farm
Portal 6 on Ultima Hub Kol Huroo

[Olympus] – [T6 - Fierce Toxic Sovereign World] – [Gleam-Shadow Cerulean] – [Active]


Silk Lilac Gleam Farm.

Waiting to hear back from one of the hubs to add a portal. :3
Will also be adding to a few of the gleam hubs. <3


Farm is now Accessible from PS Till Hub, North side.
It’s still got some work needed on it so if you stop by be cautious. <3


Vivid Fuchsia

Tnt Hub Besevrona :globe_with_meridians: Lucky , 2 gleamballs.

Portal : Next to the yamaska portal on the left side
Edit: Name set , thanks @ellyphant



Well, this isn’t exactly a gleam sphere - more of what happens when you mutate one into the Alien Invasion and canopy trees biomes. :grin: But farming is probably better than one… the layer is huge, though not solid and there are a few holes in the foliage. So I’ll share here if ok. :slight_smile:

Night Lilac - portal in TNT Shedu Tier.

HOWEVER, unless I get feedback people really like this farm and want to use it for other colors after this or whatever, this will be a 4 week farm. Not too crazy about the planet on the whole.

And I have to wonder if WS is getting all :man_facepalming: with my Dr. Frankenstein shenanigans with their biome generation, haha… :wink:


Is that similar to the giant floating mountains of warm blue (I think it was?) which appeared on one of the earlier exos? Where you could probably fill an entire row or 2 of inventory without the need to regen?

Are features such as that or the giant icebergs of azure and light sepia gleam that once appeared even a possibility using the biome selections we have available? I’d actually be happy to have these in my world.

EDIT: Reading back a few posts I see the question has been asked already. Are all of your large blobs of gleam a result of the gleam spheres merging with another biome feature where the 2 biomes meet?


I have luminous taupe gleam on my t2, Lorem Ipsum. I don’t have a portal or platform set up but I can if there’s interest. Warp from Kada.


Freaking great name haha. I’ll PM you for some location tokens for the gleam and pop them in the gleam hub, we don’t have luminous taupe yet

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I believe they are, minus pure gleam spheres. Just did another experiment, going to post pics in another thread (Gleam Gathering Location Ideas thread - biome specifics and some more in there for what I’ve done) and elaborate on results a bit but to sum up - the biomes merge in on each other and it is fascinating to play with. :smiley: I mean, I noticed it before but hadn’t really studied the nuances of it until now. I might not understand the coding behind it in the slightest but I can appreciate the results! It creates a MASSIVE range of variation in what you can end up with. It is a dice roll but for sure, mixing Gleam Lake with other sky/high elevation biomes can cause some interesting results!

If anybody wants Bright Magenta gleam spheres (and blobs, haha) btw, planet Anomalocaris, warp Shedu Tier, up for one month. :slight_smile:


I bet they are, though I can’t say for sure. There are other sky biomes like Floating Chaos I’d like to try… hehe, might have done a bit much for now, will PROBABLY wait a bit, maybe til these expire, before trying again. :wink: Looking at the options, probably hundreds of combinations here that might yield cool results with the gleam.


Ah yes I came across the other thread after posting this also and it’s awesometo see the results… I was sorely disappointed with the gleam spheres to be honest especially with some of the great gleam blobs that have appeared on exos. Nice to know it is possible to do similar things by giving the world generator the right paramaters to work with.

Oh how I do love experiments simply for the sake of science!! I shall be following your research and may even have a few goes at some combinations once I get time off work.

Keep up the great work!!