Brown hunt on ceph. was a lot of fun : )
Was awesome having you there, thanks for helping me incentivise mass meteor deaths.
Taking a break while trying out @georgegroeg’s new game. Am I being watched?
What is it?!
To put it simply, from the cabin you grapple UFO’s and try to land on the smallest platforms ever made. Half expected the lake to be changed to laval. But so far it is still water
Wow, @georgegroeg is an evil genius.
Your shop looks amazing ty for the pics @Dulki
Love the builds and screens shots everyone keep up the good work
I know a guy who knows how. I’ll try find out.
I spent far more of my morning trying to work out how you did this than I’m proud to admit, before finally realising the blur
Omg. Approved.
The best response hahah gotta love Perry
but it takes so much time to make a pathway, putting down a machine and then coils pick it up a repeat.
edit: all the green was Mantel, also this is only iron tool storage still have to make silver, gold and titanium
That is awesome, love seeing parents and their kids playing together!
My first neighbors in the game were a father-son team.
He’s 6 years old and autistic - his fave thing was the chat emotes haha Loved seeing him play my favourite game
Better than him spending all his time on Roblox haha