Well, the world is mostly water, but I have realized that there’s a layer of lava that covers a few blocks above mantle. But the emeralds generally spawn above that layer and for easy access I chose tube tunnels because the low ones just so happen to spawn emeralds on the floor and you can take a hammer and just pluck them out without destroying a bunch of hammers lol
You Have a pitcure of your Atlas that would intrest me how this one Looks.
And how Long were you Mining for your 1000 Emerald ?
Greetings Turrican2006
I had a moment to waste today and fortunately found myself to still have access to a creative world.
Tonally, the closest colour I could come up with from a short test (I am having a deja vu here…) was Stale Cerulean.
This is a bit difficult to show by screenshots, so here’s a couple of general overviews I put together:
I might have come to this conclusion before, but I don’t think there’s a gleam that’s the exact tone and brightness of warp conduit light. Stale Cerulean seems to be a sovereign-available colour as far as I can see. I’ll have to check later if any of the other candidates have permanent availability.
Incidentally, the ashed colour, which is the 48/Dark Grey below, doesn’t match tonally at all but I guess the brightness would be okay if tone didn’t matter.
You should try it with white walls. If you have colored walls it tends To show a bit off.
So what i would do:
Use white wall.
Gleam - a bit of space that you can see the difference - warp conduit.
This way you can see the result instantly.
I did use white walls, White tint marble.
Yes, I probably should have put a conduit spaced like @georgegroeg did. Their example is quicker to make a direct comparison I suppose.
I might have missed Light Azure on the list, though it might be a bit on the bright side (for me). Out of curiosity, what was that teal-ish one on the right side of your screenshot @georgegroeg
I will get back to you with that tomorrow, sorry for the long response time, my work schedule is a bit crazy atm
Np Same here by me with working… More work than anything ealse atm
Hunt planet?! lol
I miss visiting ppls builds
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I was going to post work of the cave @Apt is working on but it killed me and I took it personal
It served it’s purpose. A fantastic oort bank though if we could make it larger with more content then the walls
Visited a number of places today. Some of @bucfanpaka’s places first. I couldn’t build like this, I wouldn’t know how, which may be why I admire this type of build quite a bit.
Then the place of someone called Jupiter, in Lasaina, confusingly. The Lasaina got cold at one point too.
Some very impressive sections at this build too. Need to go back to have a better look through the place at some point.