Post Your Screenshots! 2nd!

Well, the world is mostly water, but I have realized that there’s a layer of lava that covers a few blocks above mantle. But the emeralds generally spawn above that layer and for easy access I chose tube tunnels because the low ones just so happen to spawn emeralds on the floor and you can take a hammer and just pluck them out without destroying a bunch of hammers lol


You Have a pitcure of your Atlas that would intrest me how this one Looks.

And how Long were you Mining for your 1000 Emerald ?
Greetings Turrican2006

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I had a moment to waste today and fortunately found myself to still have access to a creative world.

Tonally, the closest colour I could come up with from a short test (I am having a deja vu here…) was Stale Cerulean.

This is a bit difficult to show by screenshots, so here’s a couple of general overviews I put together:

I might have come to this conclusion before, but I don’t think there’s a gleam that’s the exact tone and brightness of warp conduit light. Stale Cerulean seems to be a sovereign-available colour as far as I can see. I’ll have to check later if any of the other candidates have permanent availability.

Incidentally, the ashed colour, which is the 48/Dark Grey below, doesn’t match tonally at all but I guess the brightness would be okay if tone didn’t matter. :stuck_out_tongue:


You should try it with white walls. If you have colored walls it tends To show a bit off.

So what i would do:

Use white wall.

Gleam - a bit of space that you can see the difference - warp conduit.

This way you can see the result instantly.

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I did a little test.
Light azure was the closest I found.
Maybe check it out the other azure’s.


I did use white walls, White tint marble. :slight_smile:

Yes, I probably should have put a conduit spaced like @georgegroeg did. Their example is quicker to make a direct comparison I suppose.

I might have missed Light Azure on the list, though it might be a bit on the bright side (for me). Out of curiosity, what was that teal-ish one on the right side of your screenshot @georgegroeg


I will get back to you with that tomorrow, sorry for the long response time, my work schedule is a bit crazy atm

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Np Same here by me with working… More work than anything ealse atm

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this gonna be a big boi.


I’m abit too lazy to uncover the whole atlas, but that’s what it looks like now lol


Hunt planet?! lol

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I miss visiting ppls builds :cookie:

Sending or receiving :alien:

I was going to post work of the cave @Apt is working on but it killed me and I took it personal :stuck_out_tongue:


Start to build another bridge.

Added daylight picture


Wacky Slide Points Race

The location of the portal to the Wacky Slide


It served it’s purpose. A fantastic oort bank though if we could make it larger with more content then the walls :stuck_out_tongue:


Visited a number of places today. Some of @bucfanpaka’s places first. I couldn’t build like this, I wouldn’t know how, which may be why I admire this type of build quite a bit.

Then the place of someone called Jupiter, in Lasaina, confusingly. The Lasaina got cold at one point too. :neutral_face:

Some very impressive sections at this build too. Need to go back to have a better look through the place at some point.


And to keep them separate, some shots of what I’ve been doing with my own place.


Thanks!! :grin:


I guess this is the Roadrunner planet? Looks very popular :smile:

And some other quick screenshots while I was taking care of a few things real quick…