how one can get birthday gifts?
When the Birthday event starts, some creatures will be wearing birthday hats. They drop the gift boxes you need to craft the special items.
so i have to run around and kill innocent creatures?
can i kill flowers and shrooms instead? love Halloween event
they looks so cool, even cuttlemonster
Was the birthday planet a colorchanging one?
I used images from past events. I don’t know if they’ll include a Birthday planet this year.
A color-changing Exo would be great. I wish we could get one of those soon, but I am sure with the transfer and all going on that might take some time. With @james still in the picture maybe it could still happen.
The birthday planet would also be ok, but I won’t hold my breath for either. I’m just glad I can still play the game.
Well i wouldnt Bank on it… That we get anything Else than gleambows this birthday…
color changing exo would be nice, i want to make candle and cake collections
So close