Pressing the left Ctrl key should temporarely change the game client language to English

Guild Wars 2 has a very nice feature. You can play the game with a non-English client but whenever you press the left Ctrl key, the game language switches to English until you release the key.

This is extremely convenient if you want to look something up because most community resources are in English and just right now I’d like to know where “Petrolgrün” foliage comes from.


Happen to know which tint number it is…? Like if you open your character’s clothing tint screen…? Post that number here, then one of us can tell you which color it is in English. And then you can look it up in the resource color map.

@willcrutchley does your color site ( support different languages?

Its like 30 seconds “job” to press alt tab . Go to google and there you go.
Guess this could be nice feature but for sure not the most important thing atm
Edit. If you are ps4 player… use your phone.