Prestige value for blocks

does adding or removing grass from natural blocks have an effect?

Grass had no effect when i tested, but was for last update…

Blockquote@Filthificate has been testing it. And it’s very inconclusive. He has some natural blocks take away prestige in some beacons by -1 and then he moves the natural block to a different beacon and he receives +3. I asked the devs on a post on steam if that was intended but they never replied.

This is odd - Since I am using wood trunks from a different planet and im still getting -1 for each one :confused:

That feeling when the devs don’t like your building. :sleepy:

I also heard somewhere that if you put a massive amount of the same block close together they give less prestige than they would give you if there was only a few around, I think that’s why you get as low as -1.
But that’s sad. Raw wood is even more expensive than timber. I guess they really don’t want us to build trees :stuck_out_tongue:

If it’s the tree I’m thinking of at Brightwood vale that you’re building, It looks so amazing. I hope it won’t discourage you.

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Yeh… It is my tree thing >_<… Tried taking a block out to test it, and my prestige went up :S - so stupid tbh.


Here’s the updated list:

Decorative Rift 180
Decorative Blink 180
Decorative Dark Matter 180
Decorative Oortstone 180
Decorative Blink 180
Decorative Dark Matter 180
Decorative Oortstone 180
Decorative Rift 180
Decorative Blink 180
Decorative Dark Matter 180
Decorative Oortstone 180
Decorative Rift 180
Compact Rift 160
Compact Blink 160
Compact Dark Matter 160
Compact Oortstone 160
Compact Rift 160
Compact Blink 160
Compact Dark Matter 160
Compact Oortstone 160
Compact Rift 160
Compact Blink 160
Compact Dark Matter 160
Compact Oortstone 160
Advanced Forge Power Coil 150
Advanced Compactor Power Coil 150
Advanced Refinery Power Coil 150
Advanced Extractor Power Coil 150
Advanced Mixer Power Coil 150
Advanced Workbench Power Coil 150
Decorative Amethyst 120
Decorative Diamond 120
Decorative Emerald 120
Decorative Topaz 120
Decorative Ruby 120
Decorative Sapphire 120
Decorative Amethyst 120
Decorative Diamond 120
Decorative Emerald 120
Decorative Topaz 120
Decorative Ruby 120
Decorative Sapphire 120
Decorative Amethyst 120
Decorative Diamond 120
Decorative Emerald 120
Decorative Topaz 120
Decorative Ruby 120
Decorative Sapphire 120
Forge Power Coil 100
Compactor Power Coil 100
Refinery Power Coil 100
Extractor Power Coil 100
Mixer Power Coil 100
Workbench Power Coil 100
Location Signal 100
Machined Titanium Alloy 80
Compact Amethyst 80
Compact Diamond 80
Compact Emerald 80
Compact Topaz 80
Compact Ruby 80
Compact Sapphire 80
Spark Core 80
Compact Amethyst 80
Compact Diamond 80
Compact Emerald 80
Compact Topaz 80
Compact Ruby 80
Compact Sapphire 80
Machined Titanium Alloy 80
Compact Amethyst 80
Compact Diamond 80
Compact Emerald 80
Compact Topaz 80
Compact Ruby 80
Compact Sapphire 80
Machined Titanium Alloy 80
Refined Titanium Alloy 70
Refined Titanium Alloy 70
Refined Titanium Alloy 70
Compact Titanium Alloy 60
Compact Titanium Alloy 60
Machined Silver Alloy 60
Machined Gold Alloy 60
Machined Silver Alloy 60
Machined Gold Alloy 60
Compact Titanium Alloy 60
Machined Silver Alloy 60
Machined Gold Alloy 60
Refined Silver Alloy 50
Refined Gold Alloy 50
Refined Silver Alloy 50
Refined Gold Alloy 50
Machined Copper 50
Machined Iron 50
Titanium Furnace Base 50
Titanium Crucible 50
Extractor 50
Compactor 50
Mixer 50
Refinery 50
Forge 50
Decorative Ancient Wood 50
Decorative Twisted Wood 50
Decorative Lustrous Wood 50
Machined Copper 50
Machined Iron 50
Refined Silver Alloy 50
Refined Gold Alloy 50
Machined Copper 50
Machined Iron 50
Decorative Ancient Wood 50
Decorative Lustrous Wood 50
Decorative Twisted Wood 50
Decorative Ancient Wood 50
Decorative Lustrous Wood 50
Decorative Twisted Wood 50
Compact Hard Coal 45
Compact Hard Coal 45
Compact Hard Coal 45
Refined Copper 40
Refined Iron 40
Compact Silver Alloy 40
Compact Gold Alloy 40
Compact Silver Alloy 40
Compact Gold Alloy 40
Refined Copper 40
Refined Iron 40
Gleam Lantern 40
Refined Copper 40
Refined Iron 40
Compact Silver Alloy 40
Compact Gold Alloy 40
Gleam Lantern 40
Gleam Lantern 40
Compact Copper 30
Compact Iron 30
Compact Coal 30
Compact Copper 30
Compact Iron 30
Portal Conduit 30
Workbench 30
Guild Crest 30
Portal Conduit 30
Refined Ancient Wood 30
Refined Twisted Wood 30
Refined Lustrous Wood 30
Compact Coal 30
Compact Copper 30
Compact Iron 30
Compact Coal 30
Refined Ancient Wood 30
Refined Lustrous Wood 30
Refined Twisted Wood 30
Refined Ancient Wood 30
Refined Lustrous Wood 30
Refined Twisted Wood 30
Iron Furnace Base 25
Iron Crucible 25
Compact Soft Coal 15
Lantern 15
Compact Soft Coal 15
Compact Soft Coal 15
Lantern 15
Lantern 15
Dark Glass 10
Sedimentary Brick 10
Metamorphic Brick 10
Igneous Brick 10
Glass 10
Dark Glass 10
Trampoline 10
Slide 10
Pay Lock 10
Natural Crystal 10
Amethyst Torch 10
Diamond Torch 10
Emerald Torch 10
Topaz Torch 10
Ruby Torch 10
Sapphire Torch 10
Refined Gleam 10
Refined Gleam 10
Sedimentary Brick 10
Metamorphic Brick 10
Igneous Brick 10
Dark Glass 10
Refined Gleam 10
Sedimentary Brick 10
Metamorphic Brick 10
Igneous Brick 10
Slide 10
Slide 10
Decorative Metamorphic Rock 1 8
Decorative Igneous Rock 1 8
Decorative Sedimentary Rock 1 8
Decorative Metamorphic Rock 2 8
Decorative Igneous Rock 2 8
Decorative Sedimentary Rock 2 8
Gleam 8
Request Basket 8
Shop Stand 8
Decorative Metamorphic Rock 1 8
Decorative Igneous Rock 1 8
Decorative Sedimentary Rock 1 8
Decorative Metamorphic Rock 2 8
Decorative Igneous Rock 2 8
Decorative Sedimentary Rock 2 8
Gleam 8
Decorative Metamorphic Rock 1 8
Decorative Igneous Rock 1 8
Decorative Sedimentary Rock 1 8
Decorative Metamorphic Rock 2 8
Decorative Igneous Rock 2 8
Decorative Sedimentary Rock 2 8
Gleam 8
Refined Metamorphic Rock 5
Refined Igneous Rock 5
Refined Sedimentary Rock 5
Compact Silt 5
Compact Clay 5
Compact Peat 5
Refined Metamorphic Rock 5
Refined Igneous Rock 5
Refined Sedimentary Rock 5
Stone Furnace Base 5
Stone Crucible 5
Spark Cord 5
Storage Block 5
Plinth 5
Table 5
Chair 5
Donation Box 5
Lock 5
Flower 1 5
Flower 2 5
Flower 3 5
Flower 4 5
Storage Shelf 5
Crafting Table 5
Torch 5
Warp Conduit 5
Refined Metamorphic Rock 5
Refined Igneous Rock 5
Refined Sedimentary Rock 5
Compact Clay 5
Compact Peat 5
Compact Silt 5
Compact Clay 5
Compact Peat 5
Compact Silt 5
Sign Module 5
Sign Module 5
Sign 5
Ladder 3
Twisted Wood Timber 2
Ancient Wood Timber 2
Lustrous Wood Timber 2
Metamorphic Stones 2
Igneous Stones 2
Sedimentary Stones 2
Twisted Wood Timber 2
Ancient Wood Timber 2
Lustrous Wood Timber 2
Basic Torch 2
Metamorphic Stones 2
Igneous Stones 2
Sedimentary Stones 2
Twisted Wood Timber 2
Ancient Wood Timber 2
Lustrous Wood Timber 2
Metamorphic Stones 2
Igneous Stones 2
Sedimentary Stones 2


Some not-yet-in-game blocks there! :heart_eyes_cat:


Wood trunk isn’t even in the list. :joy:

Neither is ice. rip my ice temple


Never got an answer when I post it back in Dec13… It’s like they want to discourage from building nature structures or gardens. Funny thing is that flowers add a good amount of prestige.

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I assume they want us to grind to get the mats. To get the economy going etc. And for the sense of pride and accomplishment of course. Which meme aside make sense.

It’s not very nice to get negative prestige when placing a block tho.

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I understand if they would give 0 prestige, but man… I want my tree :frowning:
Seriously though its kind of discouraging.


I remember playing test servers months ago and when working towards the prestige objective I was placing rock and trunks around and it defo gave me some prestige (1 each think). Grass and flowers added nothing which was a downer for me personally.

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I checked it out on the live server and as I placed lots of mud blocks down I saw the total prestige go down. NOT the base prestige, I don’t know where nature blocks are categorize but with my little test I don’t see much any change in base prestige. But nature blocks WIll reduce the bonus you get to your base prestige.


Thank you for the list, @Spoygg. Very helpful :+1:


I didn’t include blocks that have 0 base prestige, so anything not on the list is 0 by default. Not sure how all the stuff is calculated though. Base prestige is not the only thing that goes into calculation, in the threads I mentioned above there is info about exotic multiplier etc. I did some experiments when prestige was introduced and fall off for using same block was pretty mellow at the time. @Pseudonym84 made some funny experiment with high prestige blocks in single plot, they amounted to more than a build we worked on for months that is like 100 plots (lots of natural blocks, mostly mud, sponge (not sure it was sponge though)) :smiley:
Since than I do not have much regards toward prestige system, until it is rebalanced or re-imagined not much use of it, though it’s great base for expanding upon.


Just a thought, what if at the trunk or base you hollowed it out and filled it with higher prestigious blocks? So aesthetically it still looked like a natural tree?


In Eden we kept the trees and nature wins over buildings and certainly prestige. The prestige system is kind of nice and I appreciate them lowering gleam, etc. But mostly it isn’t good because it will ALWAYS just lead to people doing a ton of different things to try to game the system and get on top. I don’t know that I have a better solution but I just don’t like people focusing on it so much.

I’d much prefer nice cool town like what we have in Eden over things that people do to make it high level. Overall I’d wish people just stop worrying about it and make cool things. Stop putting tons of wealth down to become capital city or the top person, etc. It means nothing because someone will always come in and try to fight you for it.


I will always try to make something nice looking over trying to get prestige, it just does kind of suck when you put a ton of effort into something, only to get punished for it - That’s what I find discouraging.

Sure I’d love to have my settlement become a capital, but it’s not exactly something I would try to get over which would hurt the theme, or the general idea of what I am trying to do.

Other than that, then I certainly agree with you.


Yeah it wasn’t fun at some level with Eden and the limit in prestige when you kept natural areas… I wish we got prestige more prestige for a plot that was grabbed and not touched in ANY way. That would have been great for Eden since we protected so much of the natural resource. If we had landscape plots that gave more prestige that would have helped.

Of course this would be unfair to those of us that have small amounts of plots. I can’t compete with my 400 plots for those that have thousands and were able to grabs whole cities and stuff…

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I may be restating whats already known or already been discussed, but has anyone noticed that in the debug menu, under Selection->Beacon, it lists:

Base Prestige
Final Prestige
Variation (%)
Exotic Ratio (%)
Size (%)
Built Ratio (%)
Chiseled Ratio (%)
Total Bonus (%)

…the interesting part here to me is the chiseled ratio, because most of what i have placed is natural blocks also, but a lot of it chiseled (19%)…

So I’m wondering if a few chiseled natural blocks overcome the (-) from natural blocks…