The issue then becomes how does one translate that to the game within the limitations of the engine.
Generally a good idea but I´m certain that such things will never work in any MMO.
- There would be dozens of guides what to look for within minutes after release, meaning that people would just google what to do/look for, resulting in lvl1 characters being able to craft anything. Some sort of hard progression (skilltrees as an uncreative example) are imo just necessary in MMO games.
- How would tying too tight/loose work? I´m generally not a fan of repetitive crafting minigames.
I was thinking that when one starts crafting a bow, the game view would go to a view above the crafting table, showing your bow and how tightly strung it is, then you’d use controls to specify how tight you’re stringing it, or maybe you hold a button to tighten it and you have to release before it breaks.
Well that goes under crafting minigames. Or even worse a quick-time event.
Some minigames are neat but not for everything.
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