Hello I am looking to starting a large project on Planet Berlyn. It will be at the “Berlyn Township” town. I barely have it started behind my house but it will be going over the edge of a large glacier and over water. The idea is to create a market in the sky- such as some of the ideas in the trailers for Boundless. The main block of building this will be metamorphic rock- which is easy to get. If people want to join and help, I will add them to my plot and we can discuss new ideas and how this will be done. Gleam can be used as decoration and whatnot, and shops can be placed up throughout the multi-level sky market. The way to get around the market and through the levels will be pathways- but these pathways are suspended in the air and players can fall off the edge. The levels can be climbed by slopes and stairs in some areas. The idea of this is not to be perfectly symmetrical, have many different areas and ways to move about and explore, and also move very high up into the sky.This will be really fun to build and could be very popular after it is created. Leave a comment if you would like to make this idea come to life.
This sounds so cool! I am stoked to hear such a cool building project will be done on my home planet! I’d be happy to help donate materials and also time. And I haven’t set up a shop anywhere yet. I’d be happy to set one up for myself in the Sky Market!
Thank you I am not sure if this is even possible, can you place plots on blocks you build upwards or do they always have to start on the ground… but anyways I will be playing in a bit I can tell you coords unless you already know them, again its at the place currently known as" Berlyn Township" on the forums. I haven’t played in a few months so yes it does sound cool to me swell
Thank you would you like to help build? I can add you to my plot aswell. I will probably end up removing my house and plots from it if this goes well and end up living up in the skies with other builders if people help out.
Probably just the gray that is found on Berlyn for the framework of the build, but higher up , different kinds for different buildings that could be in it.
nice, I remember that pic alright. Do you have any screenshot of the actual area you are in?
I might call in when I have more time - most likely one of the days off. Will need to decide what plots to remove and what of my many builds to sacrifice first before I can build something new. Also - I’m playing testing version now so I’ll need to swap to live before I join you (I assume you are playing live version).