Proposed solution to issues around hunts and overlap issues

Agreed this isn’t about brown town and never was. So we need to steer back away from that, because we have not singled out a group because no “group” is at fault.
It has been about the community in general and how do we resolve the whole hunt time and overlap issues. As @xyberviri and I have been pointing out.
I would be just as fine if everyone one said ok cool overlaps no prob and then we just stick with reporting the people who try to be mean to those players who are overlapping.

Yet, here I am wishing there was more options 1am-7am est. I’m a bit of a night owl.


As the person who coordinated and ran the first regular set of community hunts in the game for over 6 months under EA (which helped us move toward a meteor event) I certainly know how challenging and the level of dedication it takes to run them. I hadn’t used community hunts for the past year or so and do admit I am happy to see that there are many going daily especially around the event rewards.

But, I am sad to see that some feel they own a specific time and would say that should really stop if I had to add my viewpoint. Ownership of a time slot usually comes down to either 1) that is like the only time they can play 2) or they really just want to monopolize the footfall that is gained via the initial start or platform usage of the hunt.

If someone want a specific slot then they shouldn’t do it daily and allow some others the chance for the slot or at least team up with that other group to run it side by side. Otherwise if no “community teamwork” exists then I think it is just fine to have another hunt running at the same time.

At the end of the day, I feel a hunt should only be about helping those joining so whoever offers the most during the hunt in leadership, support, benefits or whatever will have the more successful hunt. Let the cream rise to the top and allow the best hunt leaders win the slot. Or just compromise and run a few days each.

Personally I do feel the large hunts are better because you can maximize Oort/rewards in a 2 hour slot. Anything beyond that is not good and too small seems like a waste with Lvl 2 meteors. I’d just suggest that people try to compromise here for the betterment of the game and not “own a slot” or not act in a fair manner — there is enough to go around.


Oh definitely. But people also like routine.

Also, if anyone know anything about Brown Town, the community is all we care about. Not individuals that wanna go against the masses. As long as they want us to do this, we will do this.

People like Beth’s leadership style, the way she communicates with her hunters, how welcoming she is to new players, I could go on…

Sorry if some of that sounds a little harsh, but we’ve been getting a lot of flak recently. None of it called for, or deserved, and MOSTLY from the same small group of people (and we WILL NOT be bullied :slight_smile: )


End of the day, it’s a game. Do what you like. It might work, it might not work. :slight_smile:


If that is the case then I would assume that we are all having issues with the same bunch and we just need to form the super squad and defeat our enemies :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy:

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Sorry everyone but this is crazy, you all need to take in some fresh Air and breath- maybe some yoga? LOL

It’s simple- if you want to start up your own hunt just ping it, no matter how big or small your group is and lead it how the hell you like- avoid the same planet if it clashes with another hunt that’s pinged to avoid landing on a world where nothing spawns and presto… it’s fixed- last time I checked their are literally 100s of worlds to choose from now sov worlds are up.

No need for 128 messages later and a whole lot of horse dust.

Everyone is entitled to run, play and enjoy their time in game without criticism or grieving from any other players, it’s just about basic human respect and communication.

I’m never coming back to these forums again due to the utter nonsense displayed in this post.

Peace out, I’m going back to my Xmas celebrations with my family. Cause it’s just a game in the end - it’s not your life.


@Leahlemoncakes or @majorvex please close this thread.

Thank you!


Closed at the request of the OP.