@snakegal built our honeymoon location - Theme Laa <3
@2FACEWICKED has a spot
but nothing yet - no pressure
@SoleilMoon with a oortian hand and a heart
w-rizz i was hoping they’d be on the forum
the first row in the museum i would like to have builds on if those spots are claimed
thats all so far
on a side note im considering combining these two to make a 2x5 spot
if anyone is interested in that message me here or in game
one of the two 2x3 is also still open
i should have just added everyone i invited personally
right there is also a harbiners of death connection at the hub now
The ones you say are not on the forum probably are. I know many that their forum name is not the same as their character name. Even more so if the toon is an alt.
yeah probably but for the build update i could only go with the ones that did match or i know the name of