Public planet question

If a planet is listed as public does it mean you can mine on it? Wanting to mine on a planet open to the public but when I go to dig it tells me I don’t have permission.


Public just means you can visit

You need a higher level of perms to mine


Is there a way to contact a planet owner in the game?

Pm them
Who’s the owner / what planet?

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the planet is alderaan. dunno the owner.

Found the planet in creations.

it should show owner’s name there

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just checked - owner is @Spitcup (post author would be 99.99% world owner, but just in case you check world description and the owner is shown there anyway)

the owner said:

so just pm him or wait here as he will have notification about this post and will most likely respond


Thanks. Sent him a message.

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