I like the idea of needing other people more skilled in/focused on a task to do it, this will really make guilds/towns a very useful part of the game. Not everyone will need to be in a guild or town to benefit from it, people could live nearby and visit when they need to buy/sell stuff, but they would still function as a focal point for the community.
I’m really interested in how the game is going to go once we’re out of beta and nothing will be wiped, kinda hoping for a bunch of people to set up one town or a bunch of villages near each other at first so there is a solid base, then making towns further away as more people play
The biggest thing I want in a game is to feel special and have sense of importance.
Having people extremely skilled in specific aspects of the game is a great way to create that while also encouraging community and guild interaction.
Just remember that we’ve been receiving hints that guild control of worlds is something the top guilds will be aiming for. In the beginning, I’m assuming guilds will be spreading out to reduce competition and thus make control easier. Portals should alleviate any isolation issues.