Q&A: Character Progression

I hope that the maximum number of characters will be low enough to not allow to max everything on one account (which would ultimately as bad as allowing to max everything with one character).
So in the case of Boundless: 8 professions,skilltrees / 3 professions per character => 2 characters maximum for each account (ideally).

Hopefully this means something like “Loose 10% upgrade points for a reset” and not that a re-skill will be a major annoyance like in Path of Exile for example.
Because all the Path of Exile respecc restriction did was leading players into guides for good builds and discouraging all sorts of experimentation with the skill system.

I definitely like to hear that but what game would you compare B< combat to?

I don´t think that this is a good idea. Players would eventually sit around with dozens of spare points and instantly max out any new perks. I think something like the Legend Skills in Dying Light: The Following would be way more awesome (and also relatively simple).

Yeah I also don´t like that idea. It´s just like in Fallout where you kill bloatflies to increase your skill in nuclear physics.

I’m guessing your concern centers around players that can do everything, and thus don’t need to interact with anyone else? Wondering if there’s other reasons behind this, though

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You nailed it.
Players would go out with their Gatherer/MIner/Explorer char, put their findings into a chest and log to their Crafter/Builder/Trader char that crafts whatever their Hunter/Defender char needs for his titanruns.

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If they’ve been playing long enough to accrue those points, being able to dump them on new perks would be a nice reward.

On the flip side, a “fresh” grind is fun (and a bit competitive).

Gah, I’m not sure where I land!

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Yea that’s one of the reasons why I don’t like multiple characters per account.

No it would be worse than allowing one character to max everything.
Because almost noone would have maxed everything on one character if it’s balance correctly.
But you can’t really balance it with multiple characters without making it to hard for people who only play with one character casually.

As long as it takes tremendous effort to max out enough characters to cover all the professions, IMO we should be able to have a decent number of characters. There’s a variety of reasons it’s beneficial:

  • Showing the game to friends (e.g. let them make a throwaway character to mess around in the world)
  • Role players love to have multiple roles they can jump into
  • Families that can’t afford multiple copies of the game
  • Plenty of people enjoy being completionists

Also, if WoW is any indication, having players that have one of each profession/class did not seem to hamper the amount of player interaction very much. (Barracks on the other hand…)


I think WoW is a bad comparison in this case.
In WoW you need to interact with other players because various tasks require several people simultaneously it also doesnt have much emphasis on trading/crafting and speaking of crafting in WoW: In my case I made 2 twinks just to max out their professions to be self-sufficient and in my opinion this shouldn´t be possible in B< because of its emphasis on trading/crafting.

But you are right, Multiple character slots definitely also has it´s advantages. The devs just have to decide whats more important for them.

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Yeah. I think it’s worth trading off a bit of “hardcore” here, in return for a wider audience.

A lot of the aspects of this game seem like they will be dramatically improved by larger player bases (a liquid market for blocks, larger builds, more worlds to explore, etc)


Indeed. Although I don´t think that increasing the max. character slots from 2 to lets say 10 would significantly increase the player base.

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I think the stats you get past max level might be incentive enough to encourage most players to build a single character with high stats that they like most over building 3 weaker ones. Also, having more characters per account allows experimentation without making it trivial to respec. Obviously some players will still prefer to be self sufficient, but that won’t be an optimal play style.


You won’t get stats past max level. You only get additional points for skills which you can’t use until more skills are added.

Also, as far as I understood, the way they want it to set up you’d have enough time to experiment a bit before you have to lock yourself out of the other skill trees.
But yea, if you want to have more than one high level character where you can experiment with the higher skill tree perks then I guess you should be able to without having to respec all the time.

(no skill tree restriction would solve that aswell hint hint^^)

Giving character slots a second thought I think that this would be a good place to generate extra revenue by adding extra character slots that can be rented.
That way the number of self-sufficient players would stay low enough to not influence the economy while players that want more characters can still have them (and families just have to rent an extra slot instead of buying an additional copy)

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I’m actually agreeing (100%) with Vastar on something!! :heart_eyes::relaxed::sunglasses:

This sounds like a great way to earn a bit of profit, keep things manageable, and cater to multi-player households. Seems fairly straightforward for PC users, not sure about the PS4 specifics.

For me, I’m strongly opposed to the idea of having rented character slots. You’re basically substituting a purchase model with a rental one. This would also be a major negative marketing aspect, at least in my eyes.

I’m also unsure as to why people would ever rent as opposed to just buying another copy of the game.

From what Ben has said in the initial post, you would be looking at 100’s of hours of gameplay to max out skill progression anyway. With little to no way to revert that progression to a clean slate, you’d be effectively locking people out of game content they’ve already paid for.


On second thought, I agree with @Stretchious for another reason. Extra character slots could also be considered game-breaking. If you only have two slots and your two characters aren’t crafters, adding in a third character as a crafter would be a huge boost and would remove your need to interact with others in meaningful ways.

I’m referring to this quote

Which I understood as…

That point has not been clarified yet, but it would address the problem at hand if I understood correctly. I’m hoping for confirmation here.

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I think this is answer enough or not?

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I´m not too focused on the renting, additional slots might as well be bought permanently.

I´d interpret this as “Respeccing won´t be as easy as in WoW where you just click an UI and pay a bit of money to instantly reach the initial character status” but rather as “Respeccing will be tied to a considerable cooldown and/or a penalty

Since buying more character slots is in no way more beneficial than buying a second copy of the game (which can´t be prevented) I don´t see how this could be game breaking. The only real difference is that probably many players would rent/buy an additional slot (=money) whereas only a few would buy a second copy of the game.


Hmm. That does clarify it a bit for me, but kinda strips the purpose of infinite leveling of a skill. I hope they consider Diablo’s Paragon system as I mentioned. It would reduce the issue of self sufficient players.


And I hope they consider not locking skill trees but making it almost impossible to master everything.
This would solve the problem of self sufficient players as well.

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