QoL Settings options

I think it would be a nice QoL to have a option to see where your tool is going to hit without needing to have a block in your other hand.


Yes a forged totem that shows a laser reticule :smiley: /joke

In all seriousness I went looking for a sticky reticule setting at some point when I started, so I’d use it. Luckily you can break a block with a handcrafted totem so it’s fairly rare to be in a situation where you don’t have a block nearby that you can use.

Yes, I almost always have a block in my hand just so I can see where I’m going to hit. But if I could just toggle an option to always show tool hit box, then I could have a glow tool in other hand.

Yeah I’d like this.

Though you can hold a gleam block forglow and targeting. That’s my usual workaround.