Question about Modding vs Hacking

For basic assets replacements, I use batch files (.bat or .cmd) to manage my own Boundless mods.
This allow to quickly setup files operation without compiler.
Far less sexy than exe but easy to control.

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i think the trick with this tho is its a all or nothing system if the devs say for instance you are allowed to change and mod sound files but not block assets there would be no way for them to detect and stop block assets changes without stopping all client side changes

i dont agree with this. if you are allowed to change some files but not others then that is easy to detect, because all the game haves to do is run SHA and check the files you are not allowed to change, and skip checking the files you are allowed to change. before loading the files.

Not sure you’ll get a clear answer on that. There’s a lot of files with a lot of settings. Not trying to get an advantage over others with what you do seems like a good yardstick for whether it’d be okay or not. Or try something you feel isn’t cheating, then ask a dev.

More generally:


ah my bad was unaware you could select what files get scanned that way

I tried getting a devs attention about something before, they still have not responded to my other post.

Yeah I think that’s a more difficult case to judge, it uses other things to possibly get an advantage. I’ve asked the same and also not had a response. To be fair though that was on the forum and may not have been seen.

I’ve played games where it’s okay - one in particular had a large player base of disabled forces veterans - but it was always tolerated to the “assist someone to be able to do what an able-bodied person does” level rather than, e.g. writing AHK scripts to read screen contents and auto-click for XP based on conditions.

I think the devs opinion is likely something like: it’s not ok if you’re gaining an unsized advantage over other players, or if you’re abusing game systems or impacting other players’ experience.

It’s also unfortunately going to be pretty subjective, but people here generally have a decent sense of where those lines are.

  • Tweaking camera settings: definitely fine
  • X-ray type edits: definitely not fine
  • Auto-clicking: probably fine if you’re present & not automating an entire play style. Probably not fine if you’re using it to “bot” xp, resource, coin gains
  • Etc

I honestly thought this wasn’t fine due to the combat advantage it can give in some situations. but I seems I am wrong about that for this game, and that is good to know.

Don’t forget that Wonderstruck is a tiny dev studio. They can’t afford to invest heavily in cheat detection and prevention. Hell, larger games have teams of propel the size of Wonderstruck, or larger, dedicated to just this

A lot of it falls on us players to be reasonable here with how we tweak game files, so they can continue focusing on core gameplay systems

The reason I say definitely fine is:

Also, this is a game where combat advantage doesn’t really give you much/any edge over other players. There’s no pvp, and you’re likely to be able to farm critters at a greatly increased rate.

But, I’m also not a dev, and they are also free to change their mind if it does begin to look like abuse

maybe not at this moment in time since combat is very limited at this time. but I assumed they might add more combat content down the road, or even add leader-boards for dungeon clear times if they ever add in dungeons.

Yeah, at that time, edits like that may become less ok

combat advantage?!
u mean better than grappling from a tower and never getring hit in massive t6 meteors?

More like the situational awareness that is needed to not sustain 8000 damage from the elite wild stock. Yes I still see many people dying from this.

As for the “never getting hit” by grappling from a tower part. You can still get hit by the flying ones. Bonus points if someone throws a regen bomb and removes the tower by “mistake”.

swing my friend… swiiiiing!

anyway my point is that a camera arvantage in this game is negligable at best

dig a hole and wildstock are nothing more than sitting ducks

They don’t and people are still dying.

ppl who die from this wont gain advantage from camera

your probably right, for reasons that would be extremely insulting if i were to say them.

i meant specifically whiled grappled and being shot at by ranged attacks.
