Questions from potential buyer

Hi I am big fans of you wonderstruck I was so excited when you announced this game in 2014 and followed everything I could find on the game but eventually I grew busy and lost track of you guys for a while. Few weeks ago I rediscovered you guys and i am so happy to see your progress. Before I buy I have a few questions. How will the planets work in the final game? Infinite procedurally generated ones? Hundreds of loosely designed ones or a couple dozen curated ones? What about adjusting character appearance? And what does the world editor in the adventurer package do and how is it different from a private server?

My understanding is that around 50 worlds at launch, created with the world builder available in the “DLC” / Adventurer package. The WE is a supremely powerful tool for customizing procedurally generated worlds. They will include both pre-fabricated and random elements. More worlds will be added periodically as the game grows. Worlds are a finite size of about 4.5km diameter or larger, and wrap in a spherical fashion. Traveling in any direction will eventually return you to the same location, creating the illusion of a spherical world.

What about adjusting character appearance?

Yes, multiple races each with multiple color pallets, genders, and head shapes will be selectable. Decals like tattoos and fur patterns will be selectable for every model as well. So, expect millions (billions?) of possible appearances.

what does the world editor in the adventurer package do and how is it different from a private server?

It is just a world editor. Like I said above, it is a powerful tool for making custom world seeds. It is in no way a private server or playable standalone game.


Thank very much. I am getting this game for sure. Are there any pvp in the game?


There is no PvP intended for the main worlds that we have now and later, but this may be an option added by players who have servers (worlds) of their own through modding capabilities after launch.


Pvp is gonna be an option in the game. How it’ll be handed hasn’t been announced yet.

Only details we have about it, is that it’ll be opt In. If it where to be in a specific plot or planet is unkwon.


I’m not a sales person or anything, but theres 2 options.

  1. the game is awesome, buy it
  2. the game is super awesome, buy it

honestly I waited 2 years to buy the game, and now a couple months in I bought the master package. its an incredible game, and its made a lot of good progress. its still in early access but if you buy it now or atleast stay on the forums you can add your imput. my advice…buy the cheaper version, but I bet you buy a better package before 1.0

my other advice, look at all the update posts on the forums to see what is coming in the future and see what they’ve fixed so far

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read your messages and let me know

if not ill figure out a way