Quick Question Concerning Farming [ANSWERED]

I know a good portion of the plants require natural light—being exposed to the sun—and glass doesn’t impede that. However, what if there was water on top of the glass? Could I build a farm underwater in a glass dome?

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Yup… though you might need to supplement the natural light with some gleam… all of my farms are in a cave under a lake and the miniscule amount of natural light was enough to disrupt my inorganic crops

But really natural light is not required at all… you can grow everything by gleam light

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Oooh, really? I must have misunderstood some things, then, haha. So everything can be built underground by Gleamlight alone and grow just as efficiently as if exposed to the open air/sunlight?

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Okay, thanks a ton! I’ve been looking at the Farming School for setups and such, and all of their organic crops were above ground, so I wasn’t sure. This is actually really good news for me. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: