Rare items

Need more Rare items. I mean actually rare. It would add more interest to explore.

Like EA people remember Dripping Fungus being actually RARE.


Yes! We do frequent guild quests to win forged tools/weapons and it seems too easy even when I pick what is considered rare in the game.

Yes please!

If your goal is to make exploration more interesting I don’t think you want a rare item. Rare items are tradeable and “corrupted” (from the explorer’s perspective) by market forces. All players will work tirelessly to make rare items no longer rare. Items are never rare because of their difficulty to find, because we have infinite energy to dig up the infinite supply. Items are only rare because of their demand.

If you want to make exploration more interesting, I think we should be asking for non-tradeable rewards – experiences. Prefabs scattered about the world that can be discovered and award XP. These experiences should tailor to the explorer so there should be terrain clues when one is around and some effort to get to it. Not effort like digging, because then the 3x3 super saiyans will just plow straight through them without even looking up from their phones. Effort like jumping puzzle, grappling puzzle, slingbow challenge, etc.

I think the theme for these should be ancient Oortian ruins. If they can’t be blended into the world, you could find an inert portal already primed by the Oortians to a destination. All you have to do is add the oort shards and now you’re in an instanced area which can be the grappling puzzle, maze, etc. Make it to the end and get some XP.

Hah, I still freak out whenever I see dripping fungus, the excitement is hard wired into me :grin:

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Lol same. Thankfully i have alrdy got passed gathering all the desert swords

I still get excited when I stumble onto a glowcap mushroom. They are still rare enough and no market has ruined it for me. It’s the discovery and satifaction of finding that is fun for me as an explorer, not that the item is mine exclusively.

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