Reclaim beacon question while on Gleam Club beacon fuel time

Sorry if this has been asked before; I couldn’t find it in these forums for my situation.

Background: I just came back to the game again and I have a reclaim beacon full of stuff. I added some Gleam Club beacon fuel time (ten weeks remaining right now) to the beacon before I left five months ago due to RL happenings.

My question is: Is there any way to pull all the stuff out and make a new reclaim so that I’m able to move to a different world? If so, how? (With the Gleam Club time remaining, as I understand it, follows all characters in the account and would, thus, be put on any new beacon created once initially fueled). Am I missing something or incorrect? I also have some storage chests on the ground with the beacon if that factors into anything.

Thank you for any assistance you may be able to provide!

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If you have already activated the beacon reclaim and you want to move it all to a new reclaim- place a beacon next to the beacon in a new plot as close as possible- dump a heap of chests down- empty the reclaim into the chests and reclaim the new beacon.

Place a new beacon down at the new location and open the beacon reclaim.

Hope that made sense haha


Once you’ve opened a reclaim, you have to finish removing everything at that beacon.

I’ve used the technique that @kemyobra mentioned, where you place a beacon nearby with a bunch of storage chests. Then manually place all of the reclaim items into those chests so you can reclaim them without reclaiming a build. I think there is a 2 hour waiting period before you can reclaim a freshly placed beacon.


Yeah the 2 hr wait time sucks hahha, especially if you use the campfire option instead.


Indeed like @kemyobra said have done this several times. Just to combine all reclaimes from all my characters to one reclaim.

Last time i did this it took me almost 2hours :joy: to empty every reclaim out.


tip: if you own a sovereign there’s no time limit on reclaiming a beacon, i got a few reclaims 10 mill items + and i like to switch between the reclaims if i need something, + its always sorted! online storage FTW

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Didn’t know that about the reclaim time for sov worlds- good to know for future ref.

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Thank you all! That seems to have worked. I guess I was trying to make it more complicated than it actually is by throwing (confusing) beacon expiration/Gleam Club beacon time into the mix.