Red Gleam Griefing

Found something that worries me as this game gets closer to launch and the worry about players being able to “grief” in the game. Now this isn’t necessarily “griefing” by the normal definition but wanted to point this out anyway for discussion and hope to draw awareness for things like this when it comes to “rare” resources like red gleam. Red gleam is very rare and tough to find and I had located a spot that had 5 poles right next to each other so people would be able to get 10 gleam from these poles each day after the area regenerates but a player named Nature has placed beacons down on each pole and placed cream gleam on each one. I’m not really meaning or trying to complain but just want to bring it up to make sure resources aren’t so rare when live is released that players can “grief” and eliminate possible resource locations. I know the planet is large and there is likely more locations like this but what’s going to stop players like Nature from doing the same thing to each pole they find out in the wild. When we can get infinate amount of plots it does become possible that someone can eliminate a source of a resource by claiming all said spawn locations.

Of course this is all just based on the current state of the game and things will be different when 1.0 is released and we might have more locations for red gleam and the other colors but I want to make sure we have enough locations available in game so players cant “eliminate” a resource by claiming all of the spawn locations.


That’s just weird, it’s not like the red gleam will even come back now :\

And yeah, it’s similar behavior to pillar’ing areas in ARK. That made me very sad :frowning:


it’s probably someone’s alt who is selling a lot of red refined gleam. awhile back there was a bug that turned one red and 49 cream into 50 refined red gleam and beleave me people stocked up.
what a jagwagon!
anyway if you know a good spot for red gleam i recommend we counter this sort of behavior by plotting below these point effectively reserving these spots for everyone.


Great idea on reserving the plots below.


I’m on a massive hike around Vulpto atm, and the only red gleam I’ve seen are the ones in your screenies >.<
Will update if I find more.


I know of a couple more spots but they only have 1 pole with 2 gleam.



i farm this and several other spots quite ofter and in jokes i was thinking about claiming a whole terrain just for myself but i would never really do that to anyone. Sad to know someone have done that :frowning: Really sad


Maybe they didn’t understand how rare it was. Personally, I never did. Obviously I wouldn’t have done something that stopped regen.

Maybe we need to file a suggestion that the Devs change the rareness. Things shouldn’t be absolutely that hard to get or are put in a place that cannot be claimed.


This isn’t griefing IMO, but rather bad world design. There shouldn’t be a single source of anything.


It’s seemingly ridiculously rare, I spent an hour earlier walking around looking for more :frowning:

(ps @james I upgraded :smiley: \o/)


Good option @Jeffrotheswell.

I think the DEVS should reveal the main account name of the person who is frustrating the game for others ! (As it is obvious we have a troll in the game that uses an ‘alt/2nd character’ account)

There is another troll account called “Imbecil” that is blocking ‘plots/roads/expanding options’ for others too by just placing 1 beacon and nothing else. (Seen on Septerfon and Munteen already)
I would like to know what their main accounts names are !!!

(If anybody needs red ref. gleam, I have a good amount left so dont worry that we will run out because of these stupid trolls blocking sources that will not regenerate !)


I think there should be some kind of accessible database for us to see what people’s ALTs are… Blocking roads etc is just ridiculous.


IMO at launch players may rush and claim all sources of rare gleam. If this happens you will have to develop new ways of obtaining gleam, and I’m sure that will happen. Maybe not at launch but within the first two weeks for sure.

I also think there should be some kind of punishment for antisocial behaviour like this in the game…


I agree, maybe 2x warning then permanent ban. It is obvious that troll wants to ruin the game for others !


I really don’t want to see it go the way of PvE in ARK, that’s my concern. Maybe beaconed plots need a certain erm…forgot the name of the number that means it s town/city/village type…and work that in somehow.

Do you mean Prestige?

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That “Imbecil” dude is a troll for sure. The word “Imbecil” in spanish means stupid (I’m just being kind here, it can mean so much more)

It’s probably some spanish speaker. But it can be someone else entirely. As swear words are usually the first thing you learn from another language.

What’s obvious is that he’s a troll.

In poland imbecyl means an idiot too. There is no coincidence in his nick.

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In English it’s close enough to imbecile that we get the idea :stuck_out_tongue:

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