Regular/Advanced Power coils for Sale! (4199c/10199c) - RESTOCK!

Nope I didn’t
I realised I didn’t have enough coin for the 1 I wanted to buy😩

But yeah I’ll definitely try to come around if you put more out tomorrow

Came to visit only to realized you were sold out - a bit sad i missed out on em, but im not surprised given how cheap they are ahah

Oh dear - have another batch of 25 in the oven right now - will hopefully throw them out before I go to bed tonight! Sorry you missed the last ones. Look for them in about 10-11 hours!

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Have any compactor adv coils?

Not at the moment, but I will try and get some out by tomorrow - how many are you looking for?

2 for now :slight_smile:

Alright! I’ll hold a couple for you then, and hopefully can have them by tomorrow!

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Any coils out? I’m at work for another 4ish hours. I could get in on the compactors with the other poster.

Ill let you know when I have compactor available!

20 Adv Workbench Coils put out!!

got two adv coils - thanx !

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Glad to help! Thank you!

do you have x5 compactor coils on the go ?

Not at the moment, can have them later today if you still need them…

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That’s great - thanks - need 500 power to compact soft coal - so what ever is easiest for you ?
2x adv or 5x standard

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Happen to make those compactors? Just checked your shop and didn’t see any.

Hi, its just the one adv compactor coil I’ll need - thanks

Have not been able to get to them yet, needed to catch up quality family time! Will have these done by tomorrow at the latest!


I feel you, no rush but if you could save me a few I’d approcate it!!

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Will do! Thanks!